Locals forced to flee homes after junta soldiers occupy villages Bago’s Mone Township

Photo - KIC

Entire villages in Mone Township in Nyaunglebin District – an area controlled by Karen National Union (KNU) Brigade 3 – have been forced to flee their homes after Myanmar army troops entered and took up positions in the villages, Mone residents reported.

A column of 50-60 Myanmar army soldiers entered Yaetwinkonegyi village in Mone Township at around 5 am on 5 June.

After the junta troops took up positions in the village, residents of Okeshitkone, Thabyaykone, and Ohnpinsu villages fled their homes in addition to the residents of Yaetwinkonegyi, fearing that further advances by Myanmar army troops would lead to clashes with local defence forces.

“This is the third time that the military council troops have entered the village in this area. But this time they haven’t made any arrests yet. On the previous occasions, they abducted locals and used them as human shields. This time they are stationed in Yaetwinkone village. All villagers have fled their homes. Only strong men have remained in the surrounding villages. Even the elderly had to flee to safer places,” he told Karen Information Centre.

Photo – KIC

In Yaetwinkonegyi village, where the junta troops were stationed, there were about 80 households with about 500 people. The troops’ occupation of the village has raised concerns among residents that the situation could escalate into armed clashes, leading to instability in the region, locals said.

“The last time they came to the villages in the area, there was gunfire. The situation is still calm, but we are worried about what will happen next. Those who have taken refuge have fled to places they think are safer,” said a resident of the village.

A similar case occurred on 31 May when junta soldiers abducted 17 local men to use them as human shields while they were repairing a lamppost on the road between Kyaukkyi and Natthankwin. According to local residents, the men were released later that evening.

Also on 29 and 30 May, LIB 590 and 599 of the Myanmar army shelled Meetaingtaw and Aungchanthar villages in Mone Township with artillery, damaging houses in the villages. The regime’s artillery shelling also forced more than 4,000 residents to flee to safety, according to a 3 June statement by the KNU’s Nyaunglebin District news and information department.

The ethnic army’s statement also claimed that more than 30,000 people had been displaced by the armed conflict in Mone Township as of early June 2023.

Sent by KIC.


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