No agreement reached at meeting between the NSPNC and Three Brotherhood Alliance

Caption: The first meeting between the NSPNC and Three Brotherhood Alliance since the coup.

The meeting held between Three Brotherhood Alliance and the National Solidarity and Peacemaking Negotiation Committee (NSPNC) under the military council at the mediation of China ended without any agreement.

The meeting was scheduled to take place from June 1 to 3, but the meeting between the NSPNC under the Military Council and the three brotherhood alliances ended on June 2.

“Although the two sides did not reach any agreement, the talks ended amicably. I myself was not always in the meeting room. We arranged accommodation, food and security for the meeting,” U Kyi Myint, Secretary of National Democratic Alliance Army (NDAA)-Mongla told the Shan News.

Three Brotherhood Alliance which held talks with the NSPNC are: the Arakan Army (AA), the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) and the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA)-Kokang.
The discussion started on 1 June and ended on 2 June in the NDAA-controlled Mongla.

Regarding the end of the dialogue between the NSPNC and the Three Brotherhood Alliance before the scheduled date, political analyst U Ye Tun (Thipaw) said: “The main thing is that the three northern alliance don’t seem willing to talk. They had to attend the meeting at the request of China.”

Mr. Guo Bao, the Special Envoy for Foreign Affairs Department of Yunnan Province of China, also participated in the meeting between the NSPNC and the Three Brotherhood alliance. It is not yet clear whether the Chinese envoy entered the discussion.

U Khaing Thukha, Spokesperson of the AA has responded to the media about the fact that the AA did not discuss the political issues presented by the military council at the meeting.

This is the first meeting between the NSPNC and the three brotherhood alliances since the military coup.

During this discussion, the MNDAA-Kokang which is a member of Three brotherhood Alliance clashed with the military council in Lashio Township.

Sent by Shan News


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