“In the future, our PDFs will continue to participate in the revolution in cooperation with the EAOs. We will engage in the fight to topple the military dictator however difficult it may be. The message we want to convey to the public is that a person alone can’t make a revolution. I would like to urge the public to participate in the revolution as much as they can.” Member of Hpakant PDF


A collection of voices of the PDF members in Kachin State

May 5 is the two-year anniversary of the founding of the People’s Defense Force (PDF). Following the military coup on 1 February, 2021, the public who defy the coup took to the streets and held peaceful protests.

In his address to the two-year anniversary of the PDF, the Acting President of the National Unity Government Duwa Lashi La said the formation of PDFs aims to safeguard the public from the military council troops which are arresting and killing unarmed peaceful protestors. There are a lot of PDFs which are making armed resistance against the military dictator across the country.

Kachin State has the Kachin Region People’s Defense Forces (KPDFs) which are making armed resistance against the military dictator. To commemorate the two-year anniversary of the PDF, the Kachin News Group (KNG) collects the voices of the KPDFs in Kachin State.

Hpakant PDF

“The emergence of our PDFs is that we have chosen to take up arms and start a revolution. We hate this civil war, but we have to fight wars. We will pay a higher price for the total abolishment of the common enemy system which has been rooting in the country for over 60 years.”

Myitkyina PDF

I just want to say that we have blood debts. We will never forget it. We have a hard time in our minds. In the revolution, we have to go until it’s over, because it’s not a situation in which we’ll have to retreat. I’ll have to go until it’s done. I have to try harder. I will do it until the end with all my revolutionary comrades. I will have to do it.”

Shwegu PDF

We have been walking on the revolutionary path for two years. I have spent two years on the success of the revolution. The military situation may intensify or we will be on the path for the success of revolution. From this 2-year anniversary until the revolution succeeds, no matter what the situation is, we will make our revolution with determination and perseverance until the end.

Bhamo PDF Youth

“In Kachin, there has been almost no fighting for more than 2 years. I feel in my heart that I can’t do anything. The Kachin Independence Army (KIA) said we have to be patient. We are quite patient. Teams are also patient. Thanks to patience, we can walk on this path. But some of the younger comrades are starting to say that they don’t do it anymore. Nothing has happened even though it has been two years. Some people think about whether they should leave or stay.

Member of Hpakant PDF

“Our PDFs will continue to participate in the revolution in cooperation with the Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs) in the future. We will engage in the fight to topple the military dictator however difficult it may be. The message we want to convey to the public is that a person alone can’t make a revolution. I would like to urge the public to participate in the revolution as much as they can. They can play any role such as logistics. People should not be discouraged. The revolution will soon reach the goal we want.

Sent by KNG.


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