“Our people don’t like organizations which show no respect for human rights and humanitarianism. The people feel that these organizations should not exist.” Moon Nay Li – Spokesperson of KWAT


An interview with Moon Nay Li, Spokesperson of the Kachin Women’s Association Thailand (KWAT)

The military council arrested civilians in Hpakant Township and used them as human shields in the battles.

On 18 April, the military council arrested around 50 civilians from Hsaingphayar village in Hpakant Township and used them as human shields. One woman was killed and six others seriously wounded. Junta soldiers arrested around 200 civilians in Hmawbone village in Hpakant Township, forced them to wear military uniforms and used them as human shields.

The Kachin News Group (KNG) interviewed Moon Nay Li, Spokesperson of the Kachin Women’s Association Thailand (KWAT) about the extent of losses if the international community fails to take action against the military council’s war crimes, violations of international laws and human rights.

Q: The military council uses the public as human shields in the front line military activities. Until now, the military council continues to detain the public. May I know your view on it?

A: It has been a long time since the military council has been torturing and using civilians as human shields not only in Kachin State but also in the whole country. Looking at the current situation, the military council is inhumane and cruel towards the public in different forms. Now the public cannot go anywhere. There is no security for a person. The people can face unjust violence and airstrikes even if they stay indoors. The military council says that it is ruling the country. However, I think it is more obvious that the military council is a bad organization and is an organization which is doing violence.

Q: Many women were wounded in Hsaingphayar incident last week. One woman was killed. Can you tell me to what extent, can this incident affect the safety of women?

A: The people usually say that the women shall face this situation in a war. However, according to international law, there are a lot of laws to be followed by the armed forces. When both sides attack, they must not harm the people. However, women are more affected in this incident. For instance, affecting women amounts to hurting their family members, children and relatives.

Q: Among the human rights violations, the military council’s use of civilians as human shields in the frontline battles becomes worse. How do their movements change?

A: Of three kinds of human rights violations, the military council committed war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide at the same time. The military council uses sexual violence against women as a military weapon. It has been many years since the military council has been committing such cases. The number of such cases has increased by 10 times to 20 times. The military council bombed the public gatherings in Hpakant and Sagaing Region more than one time although it knew that many people were gathering. By looking at these incidents, they have no humanity. They don’t care about the public’s rights and don’t respect the voices of the public. China and Russia are giving protection to the army. In my view, the army is committing such cases as they are providing the army with weapons to kill the people. Our people don’t like organizations which show no respect for human rights and humanitarianism. The people feel that these organizations should not exist

Q: Now, the military council arrests and uses the public as human shields whenever it goes to the frontlines. Can you tell me why the military council is doing so?

A: They have used women as human shields since the renewed fighting in Kachin State in 2011. The army arrested women to be used as porters. Female victims face all forms of violence along the road. The arrest and use of the people as human shields shows that the junta soldiers have no desire to protect the public. They arrest the people as human shields to protect their lives. According to international law, the army must avoid using the public as human shields. I think they fail to take action against armed forces which commit these crimes.

Q: How much damage can be done if the military council’s crimes continue without any action?

A: We need to talk too much about our situations in order to promote international accountability and responsibility. In an IT era, the people have easy access to information. The reason why our region cannot get information is big countries themselves are encouraging them to do so. We cannot directly refer the case to the International Criminal Court ( ICC) as Myanmar is not a State party. However, there are many things that can be done by the UN Security Council (UNSC) for action taken against those who commit the crimes. But the UNSC’s resolutions face objections. Big countries look only for their own interests and don’t look for peace anymore. Security includes human rights. We see situations where some countries no longer pay attention to what the whole world is experiencing. Anyway, we are speaking with one voice. On the other hand, there are organizations which are collecting information and evidence to take action. I believe injustice doesn’t last long. I see we must continue to do what we have to do.

Q: Do the military council’s human rights violations become worse as fighting continues? How will people be cautious about it?

A: This is due to the acts done by the military council’s informants. There must have information security. I would like to say that the public shall suffer more losses as long as some people support the military council for their personal interests despite knowing it is unfair. Time has come for the public to distinguish between black and white and to make decisions bravely. So, I would like to say that time has come for us to collectively oppose injustice without discord.

Q: As a last question, do you have anything to add about the nationwide airstrikes including Kachin State and the use of civilians as human shields?

A: During the two-year coup, the number of junta soldiers has declined a lot. In my view, the military council has to rely on the airstrikes and use innocent people as human shields in the wars as it is not in a position to conduct an inland offensive. By looking at that, the military has suffered huge losses. The military council uses airstrike as a last resort. If the public can distinguish right from wrong and stand on the right side, our revolution will succeed.

Sent by the KNG


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