Army arrests around 30 Hsaingphayar villagers as human shields in Hpakant


The military council raided Hsaingphayar village on Hpakant road in Kachin State and arrested around 30 civilians as human shields on the morning of 18 April.

At around 5 am, a military column of around 30 soldiers from Nantyar conducted a door-to-door inspection in Hsaingphayar village and arrested around 50 villagers.

It is still unknown where the detainees are taken.

We lose connection with the detainees as the military council has seized their mobile phones. The female detainees are in the majority.

Then, the soldiers released mothers and the elderly, a person told the Kachin News Group (KNG) on the condition of anonymity.

“I have gone into hiding due to arbitrary arrest. I was narrowly missed by gunfire. This morning, they are trying to burn the village. However, the soldiers have not burned the houses till now. The main reason is the army storms Hsaingphayar village citing that it is under the control of the Kachin Independence Army (KIA),” he said.

The KIA ambushed some junta soldiers who were leaving Hsaingphayar village for Nantyar village, at the entry of Gatnwe (Pyarohn) village at around 9.30 am. There was an exchange of gunfire with the KIA.

The people from Khwanhsaingzwat, Tadanyinaung and Pyarohn villages have fled for safety.

Following the bombing on ANang Pa in the KIA’s Brigade-9 territory in Hpakant, the military council raids the villages in Hpakant Township and arrests locals consecutively.

Namyar military gate is located on the road heading to Hpakant. Junta soldiers have tightened inspections of travellers and banned the shipments of rice and fuels to Hpakant, according to locals and travellers.

Sent by KNG.


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