Three Brotherhood Alliance says it values and recognizes BPLA


The Three Brotherhood Alliance sent an honorary message to the Bamar People’s Liberation Army (BPLA) on its 2nd anniversary of the founding of the BPLA which falls on 17 April.

The BPLA is a revolutionary organization which represents the Bamar. It emerged together with the Spring Revolution, on 17 April, 2021. At present, the BPLA has established a better relation with the revolutionary organizations including the Three Brotherhood Alliance, the message says.

During the two-year revolution, the BPLA which has earned help and support from Bamar people and some EROs has got battle experience to a certain extent. We value and recognize united efforts and abiding by the revolutionary rules by the BPLA’s leaders and all members.

During the Myanmar New Year period, our three Brotherhood Alliance wishes the BPLA may implement the future expectations aspired by the entire Myanmar people in a short period of time, do anti-dictatorship works more and become an organization which can take a lead with upright stances for the new country and the public.

Three Brotherhood Alliance are: The Myanmar National Truth and Justice Party/ Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNTJP/MNDAA), the United League of Arakan/Arakan Army (ULA/AA) and the Palaung State Liberation Front/ Ta’ang National Liberation Army (PSLF/TNLA).

Sent by Htay Htay Aung (Narinjara)


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