Two civilians killed as junta convoy responded to mine attack in Bilin


Two civilians were killed when military council soldiers responded indiscriminately to a mine attack on their military convoy near Ahlu village in Bilin Township, Mon State, on 29 March, according to local sources.

The Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) battalion (3) launched a mine attack on six vehicles of the 23-vehicle military convoy coming from Mokepalin in Kyaikto Township that had stayed behind.

As a result, the junta soldiers on board opened indiscriminate fire and the two civilians were fatally shot, said a local close to the defense forces.

“It happened near the entrance of Ahlu village. I’m not sure how many junta soldiers were killed or injured. No one was killed or injured on the resistance side,but two civilians were killed by indiscriminate fire from regime vehicles,” he told the Karen Information Center (KIC) on March 30.
The local went on to say that a large force of junta troops retraced and and burned down Bilin Tire Factory.

Currently, the residents of the surrounding villages are on alert and their daily life is deteriorating as the regime’s soldiers are entering the villages day and night and inspecting the people and also firing light and heavy weapons near the village, the local said.

KIC was still trying to reach officials from the KNU brigade (1) for comment on the matter.

A similar case occurred when the regime’s artillery battalion (401) fired 24 artillery shells that landed near Suinn and Kyonemein villages, forcing villagers to run for safety.

KNU officials in Thaton District were trying to contact civil society groups to provide food and aid to the displaced.

Sent by KIC.


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