Palaw Township sees intense fighting


As of 25 March, fighting between the military council troops and a combined force of the People’s Defense Forces (PDFs) has intensified in Palawkone village in Palaw Township of Tanintharyi Region where martial law is declared, a PDF member told the Than Lwin Times.

Intense fighting came after the combined force ambushed a military convoy of three vehicles loaded with more than 50 soldiers in Palawkone village, at around 3 pm on 24 March.

Till the evening of 25 March, fighting continued to intensify. The military council has been carrying out constant artillery shelling.

More than three junta soldiers were killed and some others wounded in the fighting.

Due to intense fighting, hundreds of locals from Palawkone, Nateaintaung and nearby villages have fled to safer places.

On 21 March, the PDFs clashed with a military column of more than 200 soldiers between Minhtein and Pawatphyar villages in Palaw Township for two consecutive days. A total of 13 junta soldiers were killed in the two-day clash.

More than 10 clashes were reported after the declaration of martial law in Palaw Township. Both sides suffered casualties.

Sent by Than Lwin Times


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