“Not a political party which relies on the election alone gets involved in the State’s affairs. There are many spaces in which a group which skips the election can get deeply involved in the State’s affairs.” Sai Leik – General Secretary, SNLD


An interview with Sai Leik, General Secretary of the SNLD

The Shan Nationalities League for Democracy (SNLD) decided not to register with the military-installed Union Election Commission (UEC), at its central committee meeting on 16 and 17 March.

The Than Lwin Times interviewed Sai Leik, General Secretary of the SNLD about the reason why the SNLD decided not to register, its future political activities and the SNLD’s view over the possible dissolution.

Q: First, May I know the reason why the SNLD decided not to register?

A: There are two basic reasons why we decided not to register. The first is the party is unable to seek comments from each party member. Party members are living in the different areas of Shan, Kachin and Kayah (Karenni) States. We have security limits to seek comments from them. We have no sufficient time. We have two months for it. It is impossible to seek their views and conduct a thorough review. The second is that the UEC has not declared the exact date for the election. It makes us difficult to decide what to do. That’s why we decided not to register.

Q: May I know the situation about the possible abolishment of the party due to a lack of registration and the security of party members?

A: Lack of registration as a political party is not an offense. We have established a party. Decision to skip the registration is not an offense as we can no longer stand and have no desire to stand. There will be no big impacts on us as we don’t break the State law. I assume that there is no reason to take action against us. The other side is not our business. It depends on the UEC’s decision and impartiality.

Q: What are the SNLD’s future political activities following its decision not to register as a political party?

A: After the establishment as a political party, we must compete in the election. We must enact laws for the interests of the public after joining parliamentary politics. We generally understand and accept the fact that we extend a helping hand to the administration sector. However, not a political party which relies on the election alone gets involved in the State’s affairs. There are many spaces in which a group which skips the election can get deeply involved in the State’s affairs. They can extensively get involved in the peace-making affairs, the matters which directly help the public and the research works which are essential for the country’s federal and democratic path. We need to perform these works. We think about it.

Q: Now nearly 30 political parties have registered with the UEC. These parties view the upcoming election as a political exit. May I know the SNLD’s view?

A: I don’t want to give any comment about it as this is the view of another side. Our beliefs are slightly different. The electoral politics which began in 1990 came to an end recently. However, the resumption of the finished matter leads to the changes in the government and leader. They forget the changes in the system and revolution. In fact, the priority must be given to the change in the system rather than the change in the government for the country’s requirements. As long as the country doesn’t reach this stage, we will be mired in civil wars. I am concerned about it.

Q: As a last question, which message do you want to convey to the SNLD members and supporters?

A: Since its establishment, the SNLD has been constantly working on the path to build a genuine federal union. For the emergence of a federal democratic union, the SNLD is always ready. We would like to say that we will always stand for the public from other political spaces but not in the form of electoral politics.

Sent by Than Lwin Times


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