“Targeted attacks on civilians amount to the complete violations of international humanitarian law.” Saw Nanda Hsue – Advocacy Coordinator of KHRG


An interview with Saw Nanda Hsue, Advocacy Coordinator of the KHRG

The military council has increased its targeted airstrikes and artillery shelling in the Karen National Union (KNU)-controlled territories. The military council’s act is the worst in 2023, according to the Karen Human Rights Group (KHRG).

The Than Lwin Times interviewed Saw Nanda Hsue, Advocacy Coordinator of the KHRG about the military council’s human rights violations which target civilians, civilian casualties and the plights of locals in the KNU-controlled territories.

Q: First, may I know the military council’s targeted attacks and human rights violations in February and March in the KNU-controlled territories?

A: Taking a look at the human rights situations in Karen State in February and March 2023, fighting, artillery shelling and airstrikes continue. The cases are reported mainly in Brigade-1, 2 and 5. Indiscriminate artillery shelling takes place in Brigade-1 (Thaton District), Brigade-3 (Nyaunglebin District) and Brigade-5 (Hpapun District) while airstrikes are reported in Brigade-3 and Brigade-5. Indiscriminate artillery shelling results in civilian casualties. Among the victims are women and children. It also destroys the houses and vehicles.

Q: May I know civilian casualties and other situations caused by the military council’s attacks and human rights violations?

A: During two months, at least five villagers were killed and 11 others wounded by the military’s indiscriminate artillery shelling and airstrikes in Brigade-1 (Thaton District), Brigade-2 (Nyaunglebin District) and Bridge-5 (Hpapun District). Among the victims are at least four children and a woman. These figures are within our reach.

The number of casualties may be higher than that. It destroyed 28 buildings including civilian houses, clinics, religious buildings, a vehicle and a cow, according to our record.

Q: What is the KHRG’s comment over the military council’s attacks? May I know the displaced locals and other situations?

A: Targeted attacks on civilians amount to the complete violation of international humanitarian law. Karen State has no safety in February and March, 2023. Fighting continues. The exchanges of gunfire and airstrikes continue. Civilian casualties continue. Fighting destroys buildings. The people have to live in fear. The internal displacement of locals continues. The need for humanitarian assistance continues.

Sent by Than Lwin Times


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