Regime soldiers abduct 30 displaced people as human shields in Launglon


Military council troops have abducted more than 30 people forced to seek refuge in Yaetein village in Launglon Township as human shields, locals told Than Lwin Times.

The displaced people, who were hiding in a backyard garden, were arrested when an advancing column of more than 100 soldiers entered Yaetein village on the evening of 16 March.

Those arrested had been forced to flee from Aukkyaukwut village and included elderly people and children.

They were reportedly detained in the monastery of Cadet Ngahtein village and some of them were held with their hands tied behind their backs.

The killing of five residents of Aukkyaukwut village at the football field on 4 March had prompted more than 200 villagers to flee to safer places.

In the Tanintharyi Region, military council troops have continuously abducted residents as porters and human shields and committed killings during their military activities in the villages.

According to a 5 March statement by Southern Monitor, an independent research group, approximately 400 civilians have been killed in Tanintharyi Region since the military takeover.

Sent by Than Lwin Times.


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