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Military tells civilians from two wards and a village in Shwegyin to move

November 25, 2022

The military council has told civilians from two wards and a nearby village in Shwegyin of Bago Region to move to another place as the military council is planning to carry out an offensive, according to the statement by the Karen National Union (KNU) today.

Since November 14, the military council has been deploying tanks and cannons in order to conduct an area clearance operation in Nyaunglebin District which is the Brigade-3 of the KNU.

The military council has informed only locals who are close to it, from Chaytawyar and Kywetae (Kwatthit) wards and Shanywar village in Shwegyin, according to the KNU’s statement.

“I don’t know exactly which armed group told locals to move. Villagers said they don’t exactly know which day they will move at the latest,” a person helping the IDPs told the KIC.

The military council troops told more than 5,000 people from two wards and one village in Shwegyin Township. However, they continue to stay there as they have difficulty in moving to other places, according to the statement by the KNU’s Nyaunglebin District.

At 12.30 pm on November 24, eight military vehicles which are assumed to be the ration-loaded ones arrived in Shwegyin strategic hill. Four of eight military vehicles left for Thanseik, at 4 pm on that day, the KNU says.

Locals are living in fear due to the news about the military council’s possible operation in wards and a village and the firing of artillery shelling into the village at night.

On November 12, the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) under the KNU’s Brigade-3 attacked Thanseik, Bawkahtar and Tone Tada camps of the military council. More than 2,000 locals fled to safer places as the military council responded with artillery shelling and airstrikes.

Sent by NMG

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