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“As for territorial control, we cannot secure much just because the military council uses excessive force such as long-range artillery and air power. The rest of the time, it’s so obvious that the junta soldiers hardly have time to relax.” – Amara (Information Officer, M2W)

An interview with Amara, Information Officer of Myaung Women Warriors (M2W)

October 31, 2022

A full year has passed since the Myaung Women Warriors (M2W) – the only armed women’s battalion to take up arms against the military council during the Spring Revolution – were formed on October 26 with the goal of ending military dictatorship and promoting gender equality. To find out the progress and difficulties of M2W during this period, Amara, the Information Officer of Myaung Women Warriors (M2W), was interviewed.

Q: How far have M2W’s goals been achieved in one year?

A: After we joined the armed struggle, M2W managed to produce improvised mines. We were able to supply our local alliances with mines. We made most of the mines that are used in the region. We’re satisfied that our tender hands, which used to transplant paddy, are now doing so and fending off the bloody junta army. And we can do even three times more work.

Q: What’s the territorial dominance of the People’s Defense Forces (PDFs) and the Local People’s Defense Forces (LPDFs), including M2W, in the Myaung area so far?

A: Instead of focusing only on our territorial dominance, the current reports on our efforts and progress will reveal everything. As for territorial control, we cannot secure much just because the military council uses excessive force such as long-range artillery and air power. The rest of the time, it’s so obvious that the junta soldiers hardly have time to relax.

Q: Is it up to the M2W and the rest of the group to divide and rule the area? How will the boundaries be determined?

A: In Myaung area, we’ve no special leadership since the beginning of the Spring Revolution. People believe that if there was a leader [for resistance in the area], the results would change for the better. Now there’s no one they can trust.

Q: Does M2W get regular support from the National Unity Government (NUG)?

A: M2W has received funds from the NUG for mine production twice – once after its formation and another time just before our group’s one-year anniversary.

Q: It’s come to our attention that you’ve not received automatic rifles. What’re the difficulties specifically?

A: We’ve already acquired two automatic rifles through the support of the public and received another seven rifles. That’s all our firepower at the moment.

Q: The NUG has said that 2023 will be the decisive year for the revolution. What do you say to that?

A: That’s what the NUG said, but on the ground we’ll definitely have to fight hard to survive until then. That’s as clear as day.

Q: What else would you like to add?

A: We’re not public servants, but people’s fighters who help alleviate people’s suffering. Since the revolution has been going on for almost two years now, I think everyone involved should thoroughly evaluate the situation. I’d like to appeal to the people who’re directly affected by the war not to lose heart when they’re attacked day and night with heavy weapons by the military council, when houses are burned or sealed, and when financial transactions are hunted down. Indeed, the resistance forces on the ground aren’t like a strong pile of wood. We’ll surely succeed if each of us makes an effort, resists together, and rebels. [Whatever we do,] we’re getting older by the day. Finally, I’d like to say that we’ve opened a Youtube channel to meet our financial needs. Please visit our channel. The name is Doh Ah Nyar. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB9P06_KzPipNDJkLh7yO-g
Thank you very much. Let’s march together without giving up our perseverance to ensure the success of our cause.

Sent by Shanni Voice.

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