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Pregnant mother and elderly woman killed in junta airstrike in Sagaing’s Yinmabin

October 21, 2022

A pregnant woman and an elderly woman were killed in a military council airstrike in Yinmabin Township in Sagaing Region, locals said.

“The residents were trying to run for safety when they were fired upon by a junta helicopter. The helicopter shot at every person it saw, and the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were hit. The daughter-in-law was seven months pregnant. Both died on the spot,” said a local resident.

The two were killed when the military council fired on the ground with two helicopters as it flew its troops to Yin Paung Taing village with three helicopters, local residents said.

Those who killed the junta’s airstrike are Daw Soe, a 30-year-old pregnant woman from Pyar Oh village, and her mother-in-law Daw Nyunt, 60.

Local residents said the regime troops fired indiscriminately with light and heavy weapons as they entered Yin Paung Taing and Pyar Oh villages.

In addition, the junta entered None Tan village on the morning of October 19 and opened fire with two helicopters, residents said.

The military council reportedly airlifted troops from the Northwestern Regional Military Command based in Monywa on October 19.

On October 20, a military column leaving Yin Paung Taing village was attacked with land mines by members of the People’s Defense Force (PDF).

Following the mine attack, clashes broke out between regime troops and PDF members in the area, reportedly killing five junta soldiers.

Sent by NMG.

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