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“We all need to be aware of the monopoly of the future politics, divisiveness, agitation and political game in Chin State, to make efforts and to be honest.” U Khaing Zar, Spokesperson of MATC/MDF

An interview with U Khaing Sar, Spokesperson of the Mara Administration Territorial Council/ Maraland Defense Force (MATC/MDF)

October 17, 2022

There are conflicts between Chinland Defense Force- Mara (CDF-Mara) and the Mara Administrative Territorial Council/Maraland Defense Force (MATC/MDF) which are revolutionizing the military dictatorship in the Myanmar Spring Revolution. Since October 3, a military tension between two groups has occurred.

On October 9, there was an exchange of fire in Ngaphinepee village. There were no reports of casualties from the shooting. The shooting forced more than 600 locals to flee to Mizoram State of India. Following the coup, the nationwide armed resistance against the military dictatorship has emerged. In Chin State, there are more than 18 armed groups—township-based armed groups and ethnic-based armed groups. The CDF-Mara and the MATC/MDF are the armed organizations based on the Mara race.

The KMG interviewed U Khaing Sar, Spokesperson of the Mara Administrative Territorial Council/ Maraland Defense Force (MATC/MDF) about the disputes and conflicts between two armed organizations.

Q: What are the major disputes and conflicts between the CDF-Mara and the MATC/MDF?

A: The major problem between the CDF-Mara and the MDF is personal affairs. There was competition and dispute between the military chief of the CDF-Mara and the military chief of the MDF. To be frank, the CDF-Mara emerged later. It was backed by Dr. Sa Sa. There are a lot of such cases in history. We formally planned to form a Mara force after a merger of revolutionary members. Some leaders think about their long-term political images. Later, we formed CDF-Mara.

Q: Why do the conflicts arise between Mara races which are revolutionizing the military dictatorship?

A: There will be no problem if there is no mastermind behind the conflicts. There are two organizations behind the CDF. You all will know a member from CDF-Mara died in Ngaphinepee village. It has a huge impact. The relatives of the CDF-Mara member are not satisfied with his death. They attacked us accusing that our MATC/MDF is making cooperation with the military council. I am very sorry as no one can show proof that we are cooperating with the military council. This is a dispute between Mara races. The reason why I feel very disappointed is that the organizations which are fighting for CDF-Mara have no clear view on us as they are adding fuel into the fire. We never intend to shoot them. I know the strength of CDF-Mara. There is no reason to do shooting. We have done nothing till date.

Q: Did both sides try to make coordination between the two forces? How many times did both sides try to coordinate? Which points cause hindrance?

A: I am surprised. Our side officially invited them two times. We also invited it four or five times via other groups. I myself went to the place of appointment. I encountered shame as no one came to that place. We invited them again. But they did not accept it. All the people including the elderly from the Mara community tried to hold talks. They totally rejected it. Our efforts have failed. I believe that there will be a lot of insincerity behind it. There should be no clashes between the two organizations.

Q: Chin people upset over the disputes between Mara races. They don’t want it. Which measures should be taken to end the dispute between the two groups?

A: We cannot end the disputes without talks. We cannot discuss our desires without meeting. We need to meet first. We need the persons who will take responsibility as we are Chin races and Chin State. Not only organizations but also persons are required to do their work fairly. I would like to call on them not to utilize it from behind. These organizations must be the ones which can openly accept the desires of Mara people. As I mentioned earlier, we must end the conflict. Those killed are Mara, those who have to cry are Mara and those who face plight are Mara. For instance, we will resign if they want ranks. I would like to call on the Chin people to take a lesson from it whatever the situation is. We all need to be aware of the monopoly of the future politics in Chin State, divisiveness, agitation and political game, to make efforts and to be honest.

Q: Which organizations and persons can mediate in solving the dispute?

A: I cannot say too much about the person. There is only the Chinland Joint Defense Committee (CJDC) in Chin State. It is crucial for officials from the CJDC to make an investigation into the case. We don’t put pressure on them when they make an investigation. The CDF-Mara shall not interfere in the case. We will not interfere in it. I want the CJDC to make an independent investigation into the case, to ask the desires of Mara people and to exactly and transparently publish the findings. All sides must accept its findings. The only organization which can do without bias will be the CJDC.

Q: Do you have anything to add?

A: I am very concerned about the Chin people and all armed organizations in Chin State. We always open the door to them to coordinate and seek the solution to the problem in the future.

Sent by KMG

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