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“There is no happiness at all. The fall and loss of the ALP or the ULA is our losses. It is a loss for the Arakan people. It is the matter which encourages our enemy.” Colonel Min Tun, Commander-in-Chief of the ANC/AA

August 16th, 2022

The United League of Arakan/Arakan Army (ULA/AA), the Arakan Liberation Party/Arakan Liberation Army (ALP/ALA) and the Arakan National Council/Arakan Army (ANC/AA) are the revolutionary forces which represent Arakan State.

However, U Khaing Thu Kha, the information officer of the ULA/AA said at a press conference on August 11st that no other armed force is required except the AA. Currently, there are the reciprocal detentions between the AA and the ALP and military tension. The DMG interviewed Colonel Min Tun, the commander-in-chief of the ANC/AA, about his view on the AA’s words and tension between the two Arakan revolutionary forces.

Q: May I know your view on the AA’s word that no other armed group is required in Arakan State except the AA which has received support from the entire Arakan people.

A: They said it from their head and mind. From my standpoint, there must be a single party in the Arakan revolution in Arakan State. There must be a single national army. This is the principle of all Arakanese parties and revolutionary organizations. There should be no concept that only our part and organization alone shall survive.

Q: The AA said that it tried to recollect the revolutionary forces which represent Arakan State till December 31st, 2015. The AA’s attempt failed. May I know your comment on it?

A: The ULA/AA said that it tried to hold a dialogue till December 31st, 2015. But its attempt failed. I don’t know how the AA held a talk with the ALP. However, as far as I know, I don’t hear that the AA systematically formed a working group for the talks with the ALP by laying down the principles and processes. I heard that both sides proposed they had a desire to make integration. We did not hold talks for integration. As far as I know, the ethnic leaders urged all the groups to carry out integration at the meeting of the United Nationalities Federal Council (UNFC). Our ANC submitted three tasks—to coordinate the policy, to make integration in terms of politics and military. The ULA/AA has no plan to make integration. The AA has a desire to abolish other parties to form a single party. The AA did not talk to us officially. We heard it via our alliances. I think it is not a correct method in politics and the revolution. Politics and revolution are based on the change to thought and reform to the concept. The main point is to make reforms to our work and system.

Coordination between the two parties is not a situation in which a big company buys a small company. This is not a situation in which a big gang overwhelms a small gang. It is a matter related to the entire people in terms of politics and revolution. This is the history of the ULA/AA and the ANC/AA. This is the history of the entire people. We want to do our work with a strong political momentum and a stronger thought. Making integration through coordination is reputable. We expected a reputable integration for the entire people. However, now the stance of the ULA/AA becomes more evident according to its words. So, I feel sad.

Q: May I know your view on the reciprocal arrests of members between the ULA/AA and the ALP/ALA in Arakan State and military tension?

A: I feel sorry to hear the disputes between the ALP and the ULA. There is no happiness at all. The fall and loss of the ALP or the ULA is the loss for us. It is a loss for Arakan people only. It is a matter which encourages the enemy. I wish we could avoid it as quickly as possible by expanding our knowledge.

Q: May I know the ANC/AA’s stance towards a merger of Arakanese revolutionary organizations?

A: We made an effort to do it. We are making efforts for it. The merger of two persons and organizations is impossible if the other side has no desire to do so. We are making efforts all the time. The forms of effort are different. In my view, working in unity depends on ideological unity. It depends on the unity in terms of ideology. So, we need to build the ideological unity to get the unity in our work. We need to coordinate. It will depend on the discussions. This is our stance. Everybody wants unity. For that, we need to make a correct approach. The idea of having no other organization and other forces except us is not a constructive approach.

Q: Why does a merger of Arakanese revolutionary armed groups face a hindrance?

A: The ULA said it wants confederation. The ALP said there is nothing except independence. We want national equality and self-determination. However the terms are different. But our basic stance is the same. I believe that our expectations are the same more or less. There will be a few same and different things among us. There will be a few disparities among us in our policies and paths as we are distant. So, we need to do the different things separately and the same things together. We will achieve our success if we make coordination. We need to talk about unity as our ideology is unity. We must do our work unitedly. We don’t climb the toddy palm tree if we want to eat coconut.

Q: Which measures should be taken for unity and integration of all Arakan revolutionary groups?

A: All the groups should make a lot of efforts to have more engagements. We tried to draft the all-inclusive national-level political plan. The participation of the ULA/AA is totally weak. It can be said that the ALP partly plays a part. I don’t know why they do not participate in it although there is such a landscape. We are ready to participate in it if the ULA/AA creates such a landscape. We are also ready if the ALP implements it. We directly urged them. The parties and organizations have no self-confidence in working for unity. They themselves have no trust. They made an approach with a mind that it is impossible. I don’t want them to make such an approach. There should be constructive and friendly discussions among us. We need to criticize each other. We must have objective and acceptable new ideas and thoughts by criticizing each other. I think only then can we walk on the united path.

Sent by Aung Htein (DMG)

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