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“The revolution is not aimed at rooting out the military dictatorship alone. We are duty-bound to do our work after rooting out the junta. We need to make necessary preparations for administrative, economic, diplomatic and military affairs.” Padoh Saw Taw Nee, Spokesperson of the KNU

An interview with Padoh Saw Taw Nee, Spokesperson of the Karen National Union (KNU)

August 8th, 2022

The people involved in the Spring Revolution of Myanmar have stepped up the armed revolution. On the other hand, some people practically regard the armed revolution as a means to an end. Likewise, it is found that Myanmar youths, especially the youths who are engaging in the armed revolution are criticizing and blaming the youths who are not involved in the revolution. The KIC interviewed Padoh Saw Taw Nee, Spokesperson of the KNU which is an experienced armed organization about the speeding up of the armed revolution.

Q: Is the armed struggle alone enough to reach the goal of the current revolution as there is a view and criticism among the public that we should rely on the armed struggle in the revolution?

A: We must do the armed struggle. But armed fighting alone cannot topple the dictatorship. Other means are also required. We need to carry out the diplomatic, political, administrative means and the economic sanction simultaneously.

Q: To what extent are the diplomatic, political, economic sanction and administrative means in addition to the military affairs, important?

A: These means are of great importance. Take a look at the post-coup situations, they themselves think highly of their diplomatic means. The military staged a coup amid interdictions. However, the military doesn’t get representation in the ASEAN or in the UN. There is an empty chair for Myanmar in the meetings. This is the result of our diplomatic efforts. Thanks to our one-year effort, the representative either from the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC) or the National Unity Government (NUG) is present at the UN. Currently we are making continued efforts in order that U Kyaw Moe Tun gets the representation during this year. No one will recognize us without these facts even if we get power by taking up arms. Our Karen people have long been engaging in the revolution for many years. But we did not get any recognition. So, the above-mentioned facts are crucial.

Q: How do the stakeholders who are taking a leading role in the revolution make an approach to the international community and the ASEAN by diplomatic means?

A: We could try to ban the military council from attending the meetings. The international community has a desire to go ahead with constructive coordination processes. On the other hand, the military council’s desire remains unchanged. As time has gone by, the military commits more killings and brutalities. The military council is killing the people in the fighting and villages. To make matters worse, the military council is planning to execute more death-row inmates citing legal matters. Thanks to our diplomatic means, it seems that we get more recognition not only in ASEAN but also in the UN. There may be countries which support us and other countries that do not support us in the ASEAN bloc. A lesser number of the members want the dialogue. It can be said that there is no one who rejects our efforts for politics, economic sanction, diplomacy and military as the military council is doing what it wants and pays heed to nothing. The time has come for us to move to the next step for how they can help us.

Q: Some people who are involved in the revolution by taking up arms, especially youths, have a view that taking up arms alone is the participation in the revolution. How can other youths who have no desire to take up arms participate in the revolution?

A: We cannot say we are making a revolution by just killing our enemies with guns. We still need other help to speed up the revolution. As I said before, armed revolution alone is not enough. We need many youths who are proficient in diplomatic affairs in order that this revolution is stronger and come to an end. We have no many people. So we need a lot of youths. The diplomatic means will help liberate the oppressed races like us and make the armed revolution stronger. Without it, no one will know why we are engaging in the armed revolution for hundreds of years. So, we need diplomatic means. Especially those who can conduct the campaigns are well-versed in the advocacy work. We should not look down on the capacity of unarmed youths to make this armed revolution stronger. There are a lot of roles they can play and work they can do. As those who are proficient in politics can speak in public, it is included in the important sector.

Q: In addition to the revolutionary period, what should the youths prepare for the rehabilitation for the post-revolution period? What measures are being taken by those who lead the revolution?

A: The most important thing is we are not doing the revolution only for achieving our goal but also for rooting out the military junta alone. We are duty-bound to do our work after rooting out the junta. We need to make necessary preparations for administrative, economic, diplomatic and military affairs. Since before the administration, the people have been monitoring us. The international community relies on the fact on how you can fully perform the country’s duties. That is the most important thing. To get international aid, the world always monitors to what extent and how we can handle the country and whether we have the qualifications for the rehabilitation of the country.

During this revolutionary period, we should play our part. At the same time, we need to pursue our learning by promoting our skills. What I want to mean is that nothing will happen by making criticism from the negative point of view. What I just want to say is the youths have the right to make criticism on the one hand and themselves need to participate in the revolution on the other hand. Youths can’t withstand the junta’s violent acts and want to respond with grievances. We need to be cautious about it. The laws are aimed at enabling the people to perform works in accord with international law and to avoid doing work pointlessly. We will become the ones who destroy the country again if we follow in their steps when sovereignty is restored. The situation will be worse than before. Killing the enemy detained in the fighting will be hideous for our organization. This is a totally-unacceptable act. So, we always need to prepare for it. We must always avoid doing unacceptable acts.

Q: According to the current political landscape, we can see the military council’s steps. May I know your view on the talks with the EAOs, the implementation of the ASEAN’s consensus and the holding of the election?

A: We should not make any cooperation with the military. The KNU has strongly opposed it. The military council has no other alternative. The military council sees this path alone to get legitimacy. This is just an effort to become an official government after the election is held. Cooperation with the military council goes against the will of the public. The public doesn’t like it. The military will get a chance to govern us by cooperating in the election scheduled for 2023. The reason is this election will be held under the 2008 Constitution. We should understand what the 2008 Constitution is. We will be under a military dictatorship for many decades due to the 2008 Constitution.

Q: My last question is which encouragement do you want to give to those who were involved in the Spring Revolution as well as those who have not been involved in it?

A: Our Karen revolution continues for over 70 years. In every country, the people are carrying out the different forms of the revolution. Our country had a lot of revolutionary organizations like the Burma Communist Party. But now they have disappeared. The modern revolution is totally different from the past during over one year. The significant point is the public showed total opposition to our armed revolutionary means in 1988. The public will not accept the talk with the military council at present. Now, the public fully supports the armed revolutionary movement. I don’t need to mention the name of a big party. At that time, that party wanted to turn to non-violence mean. In 1988, that party did not accept those who cooperated with us. The party’s top leaders did not recognize your undertakings. But now they are doing the armed revolution with the public’s support and without the international’s help. It can be said that we are fighting the junta with the public’s support. Although cooperation with the international community is crucial, as a matter of fact, the most important strength exists among us. So, we need help and support among us. The most important thing is we need to go ahead with unity.

Sent by the KIC

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