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“The military fires artillery shells into the villages when bombs are thrown into the military compound.” Yar Zar Myint Naing, a CDM private from No.284 Light Infantry Battalion

An interview with a soldier from No.284 Light Infantry Battalion of the military council, who joined the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM)

July 25th, 2022

A soldier from No.284 LIB in Kyarinseikgyi Township in Karen State has recently defected to the public. The Than Lwin Times interviewed Private Yar Zar Myint Naing about the reason for joining the CDM and the situations inside the army.

Q: May I know your name, battalion and how to join the CDM?

A: My name is Yar Zar Myint Naing. I served as a private at No.189 LIB in Kyarinseikgyi. I had to take responsibility for security. The reason why I joined the CDM is because I am unhappy. I always think about the defection. I found it difficult to defect as it is not my native area. I had to search for help. I got a contact from Ko Aung Gyi Facebook. He helped me to contact the People’s Embrace. Then, I joined the CDM.

Q: When did you join the army?

A: I joined the army in late September. I had no desire to join the army. I joined the army as I faced a threat. Shortly after the coup, six friends rented a room and lived there in Hlaingtharyar Township in Yangon. At around 12 midnight, the junta troops inspected the room citing that the members of the People’s Defense Forces (PDF) were present in the room. We felt awkward as it happened immediately. The military abducted three of the detainees along with three guns. I heard that two detainees were killed. They beat me and hit my back. They rolled my calves with metal rods. I can’t bear the pain for long. I cried and apologized to them. They asked me to join the army if I am not killed. I said “Yes”. Then I joined the army.

Q: What kind of difficulties did you face in the army?

A: I felt miserable almost every day rather than difficulty. I cried. Finally I thought I should commit suicide. I also faced a lot of difficulties. I searched for help to defect as I was not happy. I face difficulties as it is not my native area.

Q: What did you know about the military’s acts committed against the public when you were in the army?

A: Yes. There are the public-owned plantations in the backyard of the military unit. I think the people cleared the bushes to grow rubber plants. The military seized that plantation citing it is owned by the military. The military urged us to carry trees. Although the public has to move in fear, they will not be satisfied with it. The military fired heavy shells into the village when bombs were thrown into the military compound.

Q: My last question is what is your future plan?

A: In my view, taking up arms alone is not revolution. I want to earn my living peacefully and support my family. I don’t want to take up arms again.

Sent by Than Lwin Times

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