3 July 2024 /

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“If the fighting in Arakan State flares up again, it will be even more violent than before.” – Khaing Thukha (Spokesperson, AA/ULA)

An interview with spokesperson for the United League of Arakan/Arakan Army (ULA/AA)

July 20th, 2022

The Arakan Army carried out an attack on the combined force of the military council and border guard members at two separate locations in northern Maungdaw Township, Arakan State, on the morning of July 18th.

In the attack, the military council suffered heavy casualties, including a police chief, and 14 border guard members surrendered to the AA. The spokesperson for the Arakan Army was asked directly about the incident by telephone on July 19th.

Q: We’ve learned that there was a battle between the Arakan Army and the military council forces in Muangdaw Township yesterday morning. Can I know more about the incident?

A: The battle took place once between Saung Pyinnyar village and Zagar Pinyin village at about 9am and a second time between Done Kalar village and Wetkyein village at about 10:30 am. So, there were two battles between the AA and the combined forces of the coup regime and the border guards.

Q: Can you tell me about the casualties, arrests, and weapons and ammunition seized in the fighting?

A: In yesterday’s fighting, many people were killed or injured on the military council’s side. We captured 14 junta members and seized two pistols and 24 small arms. We also seized a large amount of ammunition and some military equipment.

Q: Was the battle due to the military council’s offensive? How did it start?

A: The reason for the fighting is that on July 4th, the Burmese military carried out an airstrike on an the Arakan Army camp in the territory controlled by the KNLA’s Brigade 5, killing six AA soldiers. In addition, the junta’s airstrike destroyed the camp’s facilities, including a hospital and a sewing workshop. Therefore, we launched an attack on them in retaliation.

Q: Another point is that the military council has tried to arrest members of the AA on suspicion, including station officers, in Kyaukphyu and other townships. Why are they doing this when there’s a ceasefire between the two sides?

A: The main reason is the growing tension between the two sides. For this reason, the Burmese military is persecuting and arresting our AA members. They’ve also tried to forcefully enter the homes of judicial workers and courts. They’ve wrongfully arrested innocent Arakan people. Tension is increasing even more as a result. We’ll have to retaliate for what they’ve done. This is the reason why arrests are taking place all over Arakan State.

Q: Recently, it was reported that the AA arrested a member of the state-level military council. Did the AA actually arrest him?

A – I don’t know that for sure.

Q: Is it true that AA arrested the township administrator of Ponnagyun? Is this news true? If so, why did the AA arrest the administrator?

A: I haven’t received any news about it yet. But it’s possible because the military council members are chasing the ULA members and trying to arrest them wherever they are. They also interfere in our administrative and judicial affairs. They’ve tried to arrest our judiciary members again and again. Since they keep doing that, we’ve done the same things with their members.

Q: Can you tell me if the current tense situation between the two sides in Arakan State could get worse? What is the likelihood of more fighting?

A: The fighting depends on the activities of the Burmese army. I think they will continue to attack. If they carry out such military activities, we’ll respond in the same way.

Q: Recently, the military council’s activities have increased, which has worried people in the state. And then there’s the issue of landmines. This month there have been several mine explosions in Arakan State. What would you like to say about the danger of mines in the state?

A: Regarding the danger of mines, we’ve warned the public several times because the Burmese army has planted a number of landmines in many areas of Arakan State. They’ve laid mines especially near their battalion headquarters, strategic command centers and other military camps. Under the pretext of security, they even pant mines in places where they camp and in all places along their routes. And they don’t retrieve their mines. These landmines are left as abandoned mines. These abandoned mines are a daily threat to local people and can harm people at any time. These landmines are a constant threat to the daily activities of local people and to their livelihoods. We’ve heard that this month alone about 10 people have been affected by landmine explosions. This is all due to the reckless use of landmines by the Burmese military. That’s why we’re warning the public not to go near the Burmese military posts and to avoid their camps. We’ve warned against this time and time again. We’re also conducting educational activities to more effectively inform local residents about landmines.

Q: One last question: the military council conducted naval exercises and weapons tests on the coast of Arakan State this month. They’ve also launched attacks on the AA military camps. If fighting were to flare up again in Arakan State, do you think it would be more intense than before? What kind of situation could arise then?

A: If the fighting in Arakan State flares up again, it will be even more violent than before.

Sent by Khaing Lu Hla (Yoma Myay)

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