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“The military burned two detainees in a corn plantation and other two persons in a house. One detainee was dragged along the road and shot in his temple and abdomen.” A villager from Inma village in ChaungU Township

An interview with a local from Inma village in ChaungU Township

June 21th, 2022

The military column abducted eight villages including three women in Nyaungbintae village in ChaungU Township in Sagaing Region. Then, five men were burned to death by the military, according to the locals. The NMG interviewed a villager about the violation of human rights the people from Nyaungbintae village are facing.

Q: We have heard the news that the military abducted some villagers and killed some detainees in Nyaungbintae in ChaungU Township. May I know the latest situation?

A: The incident happened in Nyaungbintae village in Chaung. The military was stationed in the village for two days and two nights. The military killed five men and three females. One female is around 15 to 16 years old and the other two females are in their 30s. Five men are in their 40s.

Q: Are the detainees freed now?

A: According to the latest situation, the military freed three females and killed the remaining five persons. Blood strains were found. The military tortured the victims killed. The military burned two detainees in a corn plantation and other two persons in the house. One detainee was dragged along the road and shot in his temple and abdomen.

The military-backed PyuSawHtee set fire to Inma village in ChaungU Township on April 23th, 2021. (Photo-ChaungU Revolution)

Q: May I know the current situation in Nyaungbintae village? Are other human rights violations reported? When did the military kill the villagers?

A: It happened this morning. On June 20th, the villagers returned to the village. One house was burned down.

Q: When did the military column enter the village? How many soldiers did the military column have?

A: The military column has around 70 to 80 members. On June 18th, the military column entered the village. Now the military column arrives in Ywatawlay village. There are no reports of clashes. The military abducted and killed the villagers on purpose.

Q: Are the similar cases reported in ChaungU Township in addition to Nyaungbintae village?

A: On June 14th, a military column entered Tawkyaunglay village. The military abducted around 50 to 60 villagers.

Q: Did the military burn the houses and kill the people in the village?

A: Around 100 houses were burned down. The village has around 100 houses. The military shot and killed five soldiers and put them in the fire.

Q: Is the military column which entered Nyaungbintae village and Tawkyaunglay village the same? Or is it another military column?

A: It is another military column. The military which entered Tawkyaunglay village had a lot of soldiers. The military forced the villagers to carry materials by using them as human shields. The military killed those who could not carry the materials. The military is committing such human rights violations.

Sent the NMG

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