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“We no longer view the ZRO/ZRA as our friend as we view it as an organization which cooperates with the terrorist military council and doesn’t encourage the revolution, rather than disunity.” Ko Paw Lu, Spokesperson of the CJDC

An interview with Ko Paw Lu, Spokesperson of the Chinland Joint Defense Committee.

April 18th, 2022

The third regular meeting of the Chinland Joint Defense Committee (CJDC) was held at the Camp Vitoria, the headquarters of the Chin National Front (CNF) from April 7th to 12th.

The decision was arrived at the meeting to designate the Zomi Revolution Organization/Zomi Revolution Army (Eastern Command) as a terrorist organization. The KMG interviewed Ko Paw Lu, Spokesperson of the Chinland Joint Defense Committee about the designation of the ZRA/ZRO (Eastern Command) as the terrorist organization and its impacts.

Q: We have known that the statement about the designation of the ZRO/ZRA as the terrorist organization at the third regular meeting of the Chinland Joint Defense Committee (CJDC). May I know the reason why the CJDC designated the ZRA/ZRO as the terrorist organization?

A: We have got the valid evidence about the arrests and killings committed by the ZRA/ZRO (Eastern Command) in the places where the CJDC members are active. We have got the sound evidence about the ZRA/ZRO’s oppression, arrests and tortures of our members in cooperation with the terrorist military council. We designated the ZRA/ZRO as a terrorist organization as it disrupted our activities in cooperation with the terrorist military council.

Q: Is it true that the ZRO/ZRA is making cooperation with the military council troops? Have you got evidence?

A: The news agencies have covered the news about the fighting between the Chinland Defense Force and the ZRO/ZRA. We have got sound evidence of the use of weapons in the fighting and its cooperation with the military council.

Q: How will be the military situation between the ZRO/ZRA and the Chinland Defense Force due to the designation of the ZRO/ZRA as a terrorist organization?

Q: We have designated the ZRO/ZRA (Eastern Command) as a terrorist organization. We will use every possible way to solve the problem when the ZRO/ZRA (Eastern Command) disrupts and attacks one of the members of the CJDC formed for the Chin National Revolution and rooting out the military dictatorship. We will solve the problem by the military actions or others as we have designated it as the terrorist organization.

Q: The ZRO/ZRA is a Chin ethnic armed organization. Should both sides seek the solution to the problem through coordination rather than the designation of it as a terrorist organization?

A: We no longer view the ZRO/ZRA as our friend as we view it as an organization which cooperates with the terrorist military council and doesn’t encourage the revolution, rather than disunity. We are not in a position to cooperate. On the other hand, the ZRO/ZRA attacks, distrupts, arrests and tortures us in cooperation with the brutal terrorist military council. The first point is it doesn’t represent the public. That organization doesn’t win the public’s support. The second point is we designated it as a terrorist organization by reviewing its capitalization in cooperation with the terrorist military council we are defying.

Q: At present, the military council has stepped up its military operations in Chin State. It is carrying out the deployment of troops in Mindat and Matupi. May I know the military situation in Chin State?

A: Chin State may see more military tensions. The military increases deployments of troops in Gangaw located in the north of Chin State. To sum up, there may be military operations as the military has increased its deployments in Chin State. Big military operations may occur before the rainy season.

Sent by the KMG.

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