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“All the people think that those who speak Karen language are Karen soldiers. In fact, there are many people who don’t thoroughly understand whether those who speak Karen language are working for Karen people or for the enemy.” Col Saw Htoo Ka Shaw, the tactical commander of the KNU’s Brigade-5

An interview with Col Saw Htoo Ka Shaw, the tactical commander of the KNU’s Brigade-5.

January 13rd, 2022

On January 12nd, the Brigade-5 of the Karen National Union (KNU) issued a statement, calling on the military-backed-Border Guard Force (BGF) to stop cooperation with the members of the military council as a final warning.

The KNU issued the warning letter about the BGF’s carrying of rations in cooperation with the junta troops, giving security protection and the shelling. The Karen Information Center (KIC) interviewed tactical commander Col Saw Htoo Ka Shaw of the KNU’s Brigade-5

Q: What did the KNU issue that warning letter?

A: There are many reasons why we issued this warning statement. The first one is that we are Karen brothers. The second point is most of the BGF members have no thorough understanding of the situation. Some BGF members are youths. They don’t understand our Karen national affairs. The third point is to stop cooperation with the soldiers of the terrorist military led by Min Aung Hlaing who staged a coup. Looking back at history, the killings among Karen people have continued since 1994-95. We don’t want it again. Such a thing should not happen any longer. The BGF should not help the enemy when the enemy faces big difficulties. They will grow when they get help. The next point is that there are the destruction of houses and civilian casualties as the junta’s heavy shelling target the public in the fighting. We don’t want it any longer. We need to be cautious about it. We will clearly do what we should do if we cannot make coordination any longer.

Q: Who leads the BGF which is mainly active in Brigade-5-controlled territory? How many battalions are there under the BGF? How is the BGF helping the military council?

A: The main person who leads and orders the BGF is Bo Chit Thu. He serves as a secretary. The BGF members said that all plans are formulated by the secretary. Under the current circumstance, there is an opinion among the BGF members that the BGF should not extend a helping hand to the military. I think there may be an agreement between the military and the BGF. It is found that the BGF has to help the military although it has no desire to do so. It makes the BGF members difficult. Some BGF members don’t go to the frontline although they are ordered.

But Bo Maung Chit leads Battalion-1014 on the ground while Hla Kyaing and Kyaw Win lead Battalion-1013. Maung Chit and Kyaw Win are mainly active in the battlefield. Kyaw Win is the main person who orders the members to march to the frontline in Taungthonelone. Maung Chit is mainly active in lower Kataihti. In the past, a combined force of Battalion-1013 and Battalion-1014 had around 700 members. Later, that number increased. The number of members in Taungthonelone increases by around 100. According to my estimation, the total number of troops is around 900. Moving to Brigade-1 is the movement of troops.

Q: Is there any coordination between the ground commanders and the leaders from both sides before the release of this statement?

A: I told Bo Tin Win before. I requested Bo Chit Thu to contact me. We will hold a talk. Before that, our grandpa Saw Pi Lar Sein held talks with Bo Chit Thu. This plan came to an end after our grandpa passed away. In the past, the leader of Battalion-102 held talks with Bo Maung Chit and Bo Hla Kyaing. They discussed the fact that they would avoid cooperating with the military and make coordination for the Karen national affairs if there were the backsliding situations. Similarly, the leaders on the frontline held discussions on how to join hands. In the past, we warned the majors from respective battalions of the BGF to avoid some areas. But they told us to understand the situation as they had to follow orders and directives from above. So, there must be the mastermind. They must have the plan. Although both sides had agreements, they could not implement them. They did not coordinate. All they do is the enemy’s work. Nothing happens for Karen national affairs.

Q: In the past, the KNU issued such warning letters. Will it be the final warning?

A: I think it will be the final warning. All our Karen people and BGF family members need to understand the fact that we are not doing for disunity. We tried every possible means to join hands. Brigade-5 doesn’t want wars and killings among the brothers. According to my experience, protecting our Karen people is the first priority. This is the last time if they neglect the Karen people and don’t value their own race.

Q: It has been many years fighting and killing have been taking place among the Karen groups. Which message do you want to convey to the Karen people about the tendency for the occurrence of the similar case?

A: All the people think that those who speak Karen language are Karen soldiers. In fact, there are many people who don’t thoroughly understand whether those who speak Karen language are working for Karen people or for the enemy. At present, the military dictatorship has forcibly controlled the country’s power. The junta tortures and kills his own people. The people across the country have experienced the plights. Now the junta is conducting airstrikes. The military has been committing tortures and killings of its own people.

The junta has been making different forms of oppressions not only on the public but also on ethnics. Now the junta is using those methods. The junta’s airstrikes target civilians and houses instead of soldiers. There should be shooting between the soldiers. It is clearly seen that the junta is carrying out targeted attacks on locals and the places. Not only the BGF members but also the Karen people inside the army need to avoid cooperation with the military council as the junta is trying to retain its power using violence and killing means. It is required to notice the fact that we will have to bear the brunt of all acts we do.

Cooperation is required among all BGF members to avoid doing the means which encourage the enemy, have mutual understanding and carry out works for Karen affairs. Some people criticize why the KNU attacks the military troops which stay in their designated places. We need to clearly understand the fact that the military enters our territory. There is no reason for the occurrence of fighting if the military troops do not enter our territory. Airstrikes are the military’s systematic plans aimed at enabling the military to expand its controlled areas and governing the people by fear.

Sent by the KIC.

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