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“The military council itself breaks the NCA. The NCA is meaningless. Because the political dialogue can be held only with the participation of the government, the parliament, Tatmadaw and ethnic armed organizations.” Pu Htet Ni, Spokesperson of the CNF

An interview with Pu Htet Ni, Spokesperson of the CNA/CNF

October 18th, 2021

The military council continues deployments of troops in Chin State after the replacement of the Commander of the North-West Command. The military is preparing to crush the Chin ethnic armed organizations and local defence forces in Chin State. The KMG interviewed Pu Htet Ni, Spokesperson of the Chin National Army/Chin National Front (CNA/CNF) about the latest situation.

Q: Currently, the military council continues to make deployments in Chin State. The deployment includes two military tanks. The Chin Human Rights Organization (CHRO) tweeted that the military may carry out an offensive. Now the military starts an offensive. May I know the current situation?

A: The CNF is closely monitoring the activities of the military council. The military’s reinforcement after the coup is significant. The northern Chin State sees the military’s reinforcements with armoured tanks, troops and rations. In my view, the military is preparing to attack the CNF’s headquarters. The military council recently carried out the replacement of the Commander of North-West Command. I think the military council may carry out offensive operations in Chin State citing Sagaing Region Policy through reinforcements.

Q: May I know your view on the battles?

A: Fighting may intensify as the military council has deployed more troops and heavy weapons and transported rations.

Q: After the unilateral ceasefire declaration, the military council has increased deployments in Kachin, Karen and Chin States. Especially, the military council’s undertakings create confrontations with the organizations which have signed the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA). Do you have anything to add?

A: Fighting is taking place. The military council declared a unilateral ceasefire for the remaining areas, except the areas with lack of security. It is nonsense. No need to declare a ceasefire in the regions with peace and stability. In my view, the military’s ceasefire declaration is meaningless for us.

Q: Is there any long-term impact on the NCA as the military is carrying out direct and significant offensives against the CNF? May I know the CNF’s stand?

A: The military council itself breaks the NCA. The NCA is meaningless. Because the political dialogue can be held only with the participation of the government, the parliament, Tatmadaw and ethnic armed organizations. Now, the country has no government and parliament. How can we carry out the political affairs under the NCA? As the military violates the NCA, the NCA is meaningless and cannot go ahead. But it is not the cancellation of NCA signatures. What is the essence of the NCA? It is good as its essence is to make local peace and build up a federal democracy. But in practice, the NCA is meaningless. Trust building, political demand and national reconciliation will turn back if the military council does not reverse the coup. So, the NCA is impractical.

Q: Do you have anything to add about the current situation? Which message does the CNF want to convey to the public?

A: The main point is that dialogue and ceasefire are meaningless at present. So, the most responsible person of all this event is the military council. The country sees large-scale military operations day by day. Almost all administrative mechanisms are out of order. Under this circumstance, the military council is the most responsible one. There will be casualties more or less when the CNF carries out attacks in cooperation with the PDFs. Our EAOs have prepared to minimize civilian casualties. The number of the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) may become higher when fighting takes place. I would like to call on international and local organizations to provide humanitarian assistance to the people across the country including Chin State.

Sent by the KMG.

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