Ceasefire groups (clashes following the signing of new ceasefires)


Several of the skirmishes between ceasefire groups and the Myanmar army resulted from ineffective communication that lead to misunderstandings regarding troop movements.

Group Clashes Locations Casualties
RCSS/SSA 71 clashes Kyaukme, Mawkmai, Mongkeung, Kunheing, Mongnai, Mongpiang, Mongton, Mong Yawng, Tachilek RCSS/SSA report: captured 69 assorted weapons, 113 govt soldiers killed and 129 wounded (Nov. 2011 – Jan., 2013)
SSPP/SSA 40+ clashes Langhko, Kyauk Mae, Hsipaw, Mong Mit (Mong Ngoe), Monghsu, Kayse, Tangyan, in northern Shan State Unconfirmed
KNPP <10 clashes Mawchi Township KNPP report:5 govt soldiers injured 10
DKBA-5 1 raid on military base Feb.19, 2012 Pa’an DKBA-5 report: 3 govt soldiers killed, 2 soldiers wounded

Two villagers injured, and one killed

KNU 6 Papun, Hlaing Bwe, Beelin Townships GVT + BGF attack KNLA shortly after ceasefire in January, 2012 KNU report: 8 govt soldiers killed, 2 govt soldiers injured


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