Economic and development cooperation


Several parties have made major considerable headway in establishing economical and developmental partnerships with the government. However the KNU and NMSP have made little demands from the government regarding these departments.

 CNF agreed: to set up a Special Economic Zone, establish an organising committee to seek funding, allow tourists to freely travel in and out of Chin state, promote IT skills, develop a national highway, construct at least one airport
 DKBA-5  development commitment
 KNPP cooperate with INGOs and NGOs on development issues, in communication with the Kayah state government
demanding: electricity in the whole of kayah state.
 KPC  has demanded, but not received any promises from the government as of yet, asked for border trade, regional infrastructure, exploration, trading (timber), tourism and mineral extraction
 NDAA agreed: INGOs can assist with development, commitment to develop tourism, education and health. cooperate to improve transportation mining and electricity.
demanding: access to mining, coal, gold exploration and production, allow outside investors, researchers to assess natural resources, allow trading of 10,000 tons of teak wood and 10,000 tons of other hardwoods, control of border checkpoints and taxation, supply rice, fuel oil and money
 NMSP work for the stability and development of education, health and social sectors
 PNLO coordinate with govt on agricultural projects
 RCSS/SSA agreed to set up a special industrial zone run by the RCSS/SSA
outside the ceasefire agreement: created the Shan Taungdan Cherry company


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