Happy New Year 2019 to Beloved Global Citizens Yearning for Peace!


Beloved global citizens yearning for peace,

Peace messengers of HWPL send you greetings at the dawn of a new year in January 2019. I wish you and your family all the blessings.

I would like to take this opportunity to extend my deepest gratitude to you for your admirable endeavors in the previous year to achieve peace worldwide in collaboration with HWPL. Truly, every single moment from that year has been meaningful to HWPL.

Last year was a milestone for HWPL in terms of seeing remarkable progress in carrying out the three core peace projects:
Legislate Peace,
WARP offices, and

HWPL peace education.

Undoubtedly, the endorsement at the national level and the participation and support of civil societies helped to produce these results. However, they would not have been possible without the cooperation and dedication of peace messengers like yourself, who worked for peace understanding the importance of it.

We are the messengers of peace born in this era with the mission to build a peaceful world and to leave it as a legacy to future generations. Let us fulfill this duty by putting in concerted efforts to submit the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) in the form of a resolution to the UN, so that it can be implemented as international law to achieve true peace across the globe. Then, we will be able to leave a world of peace as a lasting legacy to our children. This is a shared goal of humanity and the way to realize sustainable peace mankind has been hoping for.

As spring full of warmth comes after a harsh winter, we are welcoming an era of peace after a time of conflicts and division. The refreshing and sweet scent of peace spread by HWPL and peace messengers is filling the air foretelling the coming of an everlasting spring.

As HWPL has seen development thanks to your guidance last year, we will strive to advance further this year.

Let us take a leap forward for peace as one in the year 2019 as well. We are one!

Man Hee Lee, Chairman
Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL)


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