KNU Central Committee’s summit starts to discuss hindrances of the NCA


The Karen National Union (KNU) has been starting its Central Standing Committee’s emergency meeting after concluding the 6th Karen National Union Congress held on 6 November in Lewah (Lawkhila).

The meeting which will be held from 6 to 10 November has planned to discuss mainly about the stoppages while implementing the National Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) process between the ethnic armed organiztions (EAOs) and the Government.

In order to find solution in the NCA meeting, there will be discussions relating to the 21st Century Panglong Peace Conference which scheduled 3 rounds in 2019. Besides, the delayed subjects in the NCA that could not settle up to date will be discussed.

There are 55 Central Committee Members in Karen National Union (KNU) Central Standing Committee and almost all members presented at the emergency meeting in Lawkhila, according to the KNU source.

Meanwhile, the KNU has submitted a letter to the National Reconciliation and Peace Center (NRPC), asking for temporary absence in the contemporary peace talks. The letter dated 2nd October was delivered to Daw Aung Sn Suu Kyi, the chairperson of the NRPC.


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