Pa-O National Liberation Organization/ Pa-O National Liberation Army – PNLO/PNLA


Pa-O National Liberation Organization/ Pa-O National Liberation Army – PNLO/PNLA


Founded – 11 December 1949 (First time), 7- 9 December 2009 (Second time)

Headquarters – Ka Du Gyi area of Mawkmai Township, southern Shan State

Active territories – Hsihseng, Ho Pong, Nansang, Langkho and Mawkmai Townships, Shan State

Size – Over 400

Chairman – General Khun Thurein

Vice-Chairman – Khun Tun Tin

General Secretary – Khun Aung Mann

On 7 May 2023, a convoy including ASEAN diplomats, officials from the Indonesian and Singaporean embassies, representatives from the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on Disaster Management (AHA Centre), PNLO representatives, and officials from the military’s Shan State Administration Council was attacked while traveling from Taunggyi to Hsihseng to provide aid to PNLO-controlled areas.

In the last week of June 2023, Colonel Khun Okkar, patron of the PNLO, led a meeting between the military and five ceasefire-signatory EAOs. They discussed four points, including amendments to the 2008 Constitution and holding a peace conference. 1

In early November of the same year, the PNLO invited IDPs from Loikaw, Karenni (Kayah) State, to seek refuge in their areas as fighting intensified in Loikaw. The PNLO also urged local Pa-O people to provide humanitarian assistance to the IDPs. 2

In January 2024, fighting broke out between the PNLA and military in Hsihseng
Township. On 28 January, the PNLA took control of Hsihseng town. The PNLO/ PNLA stated they would continue to advance with other EROs until the military dictatorship is completely uprooted. 3

The Southern Shan Local Revolutionary Union (SSLRU) pledged to wage revolutionary war alongside the PNLO/PNLA until the military’s administrative mechanism in Southern Shan State becomes inoperable. Moreover, the Pa-O National Federal Council (PNFC), led by the former PNLO Vice Chairman, welcomed the PNLO/PNLA’s stance to “continue the struggle with like-minded allies until a federal democratic system is achieved.” 4

The PNLO signed the NCA and actively participated in the resulting internal peace process. However, the PNLO/PNLA Chairman General Khun Thurein objected to the PNLO’s inclusion as a representative in the 7 EAO Alliance.

Armed clash events with the military

Since January 2024, there have been 27 armed clash events between PNLO and the military.

Armed clash events with EROs

In 2023, there were two armed clash events between PNLO and RCSS/SSA. In 2024, there were two armed clash events between PNLO/PNLA and the Pa-O National Organization/ Pa-O National Army (PNO/PNA).

1 Peace talks between representatives of 5 PPST member organizations and State Peace Talks Team, 7 EAO Alliance, 28 June 2023
2 PNLO announces displaced people from Loikaw can seek refuge in Pa-O areas, Kantarawaddy Times, 17 November 2023
3 PNLA vows to continue fight until military dictatorship is uprooted, Shan News, 4 February 2024
4 SSLRU says it will collaborate with PNLO to stop junta administration from functioning, Shan News, 28 January 2024


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Reference: Deciphering Myanmar’s Peace Process – A Reference Guide (2023 – 2024)



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