Loikaw IDPs in southern Shan State forced to return home

Caption - Loikaw IDPs taking shelter in southern Shan State.

The military council is forcing displaced locals from Loikaw, who have sought shelter in southern Shan State, to return to their homes, according to the IDPs.

This comes after the military council’s efforts to restore administrative mechanisms in the capital of Karenni (Kayah) State, Loikaw.

A displaced woman said: “The junta issued an order forcing all IDPs from the monasteries to return home either on 16 or 20. Some IDPs who were taking shelter in monasteries have left. However, at the request of IDPs, some are still staying in the monasteries.”

“After the military council released an order forcing the IDPs to return home, a few people returned to the junta-controlled Acre-500, Kyi Thar Yar and Law Dhamma wards in Loikaw town. Most returned to retrieve items left behind,” she added.

Currently, the situation in Loikaw town is still unstable, and most of the IDPs have not yet returned to their homes, so the military council is mainly recalling Loikaw local government employees.

An IDP said, “The military council issued an order that all civil servants must return home in Loikaw Township. Most of them don’t dare and want to return home. It’s unsafe for them to go back. Non-CDM staff from Loikaw Township who do not comply with the order face salary cuts and other punishments.”

People close to the military council have stated that arrangements have been made to provide free transportation for Loikaw local non-CDM employees who wish to return home. Additionally, local residents who wish to return home can also register.

The military council ordered the IDPs to return home in Loikaw, but officials of the Karenni resistance force have advised that IDPs should not return home due to the ongoing offensives and the possibility of fighting at any time.

Saw Ta Eh Soe, Spokesperon of Karenni Nationalities Defence Force (KNDF) said: “The military council’s columns are conducting military operations in wards in downtown Loikaw. We don’t want to say exactly which ward they can return to. It would not be safe for them if they returned home. What we mean is that there is no safety for those who return home in the entire town.”

There are around 20,000 Karenni IDPs who have sought shelter in 16 displacement camps set up at the monasteries in Nyaungshwe Township in southern Shan State and nearby villages, following Operation 1111, aid workers said.

Those helping the IDPs in the region pointed out ongoing challenges for people trying to return home, citing issues such as ongoing conflict and the threat of landmines.

Since the launch of operation 1111 which started on 11 November 2023, around 50,000 Loikaw residents have fled for safety.

Sent by NMG


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