“Now everything is fine. I cannot say exactly what will happen next. Now Muslim people can travel and live freely.” Daw In Biyar Khar Tu (aka) Daw Ma Saw Myaing

Caption - Daw In Biyar Khar Tu (aka) Daw Ma Saw Myaing

An interview with Daw In Biyar Khar Tu (aka) Daw Ma Saw Myaing, a local resident of Kyauktaw Township, about the difficulties faced by Muslim people living in the AA-controlled areas.

Interview 24 June 2024

Muslim residents coexist with local communities in Kyauktaw, Mrauk U, Minbya, and Pauktaw Townships, all of which are under the governance of the Arakan Army (AA).

Narinjara interviewed Daw In Biyar Khar Tu, also known as Daw Ma Saw Myaing, who is in her 50s, about progress for Muslim residents who have long faced restrictions under successive Myanmar governments while living in AA-controlled areas.

Q: What is the current living condition of Muslim people residing in areas under the control of the Arakan Army (AA)?

A: Currently, access to food and shelter is somewhat adequate. Previously, we encountered difficulties. Now there is no longer a travel ban. We were prohibited from traveling to downtown Kyauktaw, following the 2012 conflict. However, under the administration of the AA, we now can travel freely.

Q: What are the differences between the military council rule and the current AA rule?

A: There are differences. Now everything is fine. I cannot say exactly what will happen next. Now Muslim people can travel and live freely.

Q: What about access to healthcare?

A: In the past, we were required to report our medical treatment to the authorities. If we needed to go to Sittwe for medical treatment, they would transport us by car from Kyauktaw Hospital. We had to spend money twice: once for medical expenses and again for the recommendation letter. Currently, we are unable to travel to Sittwe. Instead, we receive injections and medical care in Kyauktaw. We are permitted to receive medical treatment at clinics run by the AA. We can go freely. We have the right to receive medical treatment. Emergency child patients are transported to the hospital. There are a lot of pateints there. We are required to present a medical certificate when entering the hospital. There is an imbalance in the ratio of patients to doctors. There are not enough medicine supplies. Emergency patients died because they arrived at the hospital too late.

Q: What else would you like to add?

A: There is one more thing I want to say. Under the rule of the AA, we Muslims must follow their way of life. Everything is functioning smoothly. It will not be acceptable if we continue to live under oppression. We just want the same equal rights they enjoy. No matter what, we must be given equal rights. We have students. All students should be able to make friends. There is nothing more to add. The only thing we want is equal rights. In the past, we had been living under oppression. Now, it would be unacceptable if we had to return to our previous oppressed life. That’s what needs to be emphasized.

Sent by Narinjara.


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