KIA and MNDAA negotiate reopening of Kan Mein high school in northern Shan

Caption – Kan Mein village in northern Shan State

The Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) are negotiating to reopen the high school in Kan Mein village in Tangyan town in northern Shan State, according to Kan Mein residents.

The KIO/KIA administration was preparing to reopen the high school in Kan Mein village. However, the MNDAA troops arrived on 11 June and insisted on opening the school under MNDAA control, residents said.

From 12 June, talks were held between township administration members from the KIA side, including the village head, and the MNDAA. However, as they failed to reach a decision, the case was forwarded to the headquarters, said a resident.

“They negotiated the case the other day but could not find a solution, so the matter was referred to the headquarters. The school has not been opened yet. Both sides are still negotiating,” the local said.

Kan Mein village is about 200 miles from Lashio and has around 700 households. The villagers belong to the Kachin and Chinese ethnic groups. According to the locals, the high school in the village has existed for generations.

However, since “Operation 1027”, the Kachin-majority area has been administered by the KIO/KIA, while the MNDAA controls the Chinese-majority areas and is reportedly forcibly recruiting most of the local Shan into its ranks.

The Chinese-majority area has a Chinese-language school up to middle school, while the KIO/KIA-controlled area has a high school, according to locals.

According to the locals, the KIO/KIA, in cooperation with the National Unity Government (NUG), prepared for the opening of the high school and recruited about 10 teachers, including CDM teachers in the village.

However, on 11 June, MNDAA troops tried to prevent the opening of the high school in the Kachin and Shan-inhabited area, insisting that the school must operate under their control. According to a resident of Kan Mein, they even denied entry to students who came to class.

“They also want to teach Chinese to be taught in the school and bring the school under their control. Just yesterday, the MNDAA troops brought 9 female teachers along with them,” the resident added.

Currently, Kan Mein High School has 10 teachers appointed by the NUG, 9 teachers brought in by the MNDAA and local CDM teachers. Although the school has not yet opened, both sides have already deployed education staff.

A local resident said that all Kachin residents of Kan Mein want the high school to be firmly affiliated with the NUG and provide quality education to their children based on the standard curriculum.

“We want the school to be managed by the KIA and the NUG if possible. The MNDAA’s main aim seems to be to establish its presence rather than focus on teaching. The teachers they have brought in also don’t seem to be very adept at teaching. It is unlikely that the MNDAA troops will be able to teach properly either. This will only put the education of the students at risk,” said the local.

Before the military coup, Kan Mein village used to provide education up to grade 12. However, this year, education is only planned up to grade 9, forcing students to go to Lashio. This could disrupt education of those who can’t afford, parents said.

Therefore, the residents hope that Kan Mein High School will only open under the management of KIA and NUG and are pushing for the school to reopen soon.

Sent by KNG.


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