Eight Kyaikto locals arrested on suspicion of funding PDF

Photo – Kaw San Naing Social Organization Facebook.

The military council arrested eight locals including a woman from Kaw San Naing ward in Kyaikto in Mon State for allegedly funding People’s Defense Force (PDF) on 13 and 14 June, according to local sources.

The military council arrested them from their homes and work places, said a local man who wished to remain anonymous.

“U Mya Aung and his daughter Ma Su Myat Yadana Aung were arrested at around 6 pm on 13 June. The police told them that if they wanted to be freed, the husband of the female detainee turns himself in. At midnight, Ko Shine from Kaw San Naing ward got arrested. Five more people were arrested for alleged links to the PDFs,” said the local man.

All eight people are being detained at the relevant police station, said the source close to the police station.

Five of eight arrested are members of Kaw San Naing social organization. When contacted, the organization did not respond to inquiries regarding the details of the incident and the follow-up situation.

Following the coup, there have been frequent arrests of locals and members of social aid organizations in Mon State on suspicion of involvement in the revolution. Some people were arrested based on incitements from the military’s propaganda social networks and Telegram channel, said locals.

Lamaing-based social organization in Mon State has temporarily halted its services after some members were arrested in late May, some local media reported.

Between February 2021 and 14 June this year, over 26,000 political activists and civilians were arrested by the military council for their involvement in anti-coup movements, according to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) records.

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