Rescue operations restricted due to security situation in Mon

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In Ye and Thaton Townships in Mon State, where there have been increased clashes between military junta troops and resistance forces, rescue operations can only be carried out in limited areas, rescue team members report.

In recent days, the military junta has tightened security in Ye Township day and night and only allows patients to pass through the checkpoints in the presence of a doctor. This has hampered rescue operations in areas far from towns, said a rescue team member from Lamaing town in Ye Township.

“Even patients in critical condition can only pass if a doctor is present. Even then, we can only go to the township hospital in Ye; we are no longer allowed to go to Mawlamyine. There are too many security checkpoints, so it’s difficult to travel.”

In addition, some social rescue teams in Ye Township have had to stop their rescue operations because they are frequently summoned and interrogated by the military junta.

In order to carry out rescue operations, they have to coordinate with the junta’s administration step by step. As the rescue vehicles are often hit by landmines, the rescue teams cannot reach the rural areas, said an official of a social rescue team in Thaton Township.

“Within the town area, we are doing 24-hour service as usual. But there are some villages where we cannot go at all, like Pein Hne Taw and Nyar Dawei villages. It is even difficult to go there during the day. In some places there is shooting at night, so security is not good at all,” the official explained.

Similarly, on 29 May in Ye Township, an officer from Light Infantry Battalion 588, who had been injured in a car accident, was reportedly arrested by resistance forces while being taken to Mawlamyine Hospital.

The military junta then arrested 5 members of a social service group from Laming, who were released on 6 June on condition.

Since the coup, two members of social rescue teams have been detained by the military council in Mon State, and other members of rescue teams have also reportedly been frequently detained and interrogated.

Sent by IMNA.


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