“The junta mainly carries out airstrikes. Most civilians were killed by airstrikes. Five people from my village were brutally shot dead on the road used by the military column.” Khu Ko Reh, Coordinator of Karenni Civil Society Network (KCSN)

Photo – KNGY

An interview with Khu Ko Reh, Coordinator of Karenni Civil Society Network (KCSN) which is documenting the junta’s violations of human rights.

The military council troops continue to commit human rights violations against the civilians not only in Karenni (Kayah) State but also in the areas on the Karenni-Shan border. In April, the junta troops killed 16 civilians, according to the statement by the KCSN.

Network Media Group (NMG) interviewed Khu Ko Reh, Coordinator of KCSN, about the latest situations.

Q: According to the Bi-weekly statement, 16 civilians were killed between 8 April and 5 May. How were they killed? Are women and children among the victims?

A: The junta mainly carries out airstrikes. Most civilians were killed in airstrikes. Five people from my village were brutally shot dead on the road used by the military column. We have not compiled the list of women or children separately. However, we have compiled the list of all victims. Every week, we don’t classify the gender in the list. Do you see a situation where the army could commit another crime?

Q: Did the military council commit such cases before?

A: According to our analysis, the military council understands well that it has weakened on the ground. So, the junta carries out indiscriminate attacks both on civilians and revolutionary forces. Since the beginning, the junta has begun to commit it. Later, the junta carried out increased targeted attacks on civilians. For instance, the junta deliberately bombs and shells the schools where only students and teachers are present. The junta also targets hospitals, clinics, religious buildings and big buildings. There could be such cases in the future.

Q: What would you like to say about the military council’s denial of human rights violations even though it is committing them blatantly?

A: We have sufficient evidence. The junta has its own media channel. For instance, the junta is blatantly lying on Myawaddy TV channel. We don’t want to say you are lying by seeing face to face. The sure point is we have sufficient evidence. We can show it with solid evidence. We can share this evidence with the international community. We would like to say that we can share our evidence with human rights activists and journalists as we have strong evidence.

Q: How do you prepare to sue the military council, with the evidence of its involvements in crimes and human rights violations and to hold them accountable for their actions?

A: There are few means to take effective actions against the junta during this revolutionary period. The junta shall have to pay for it either in the transitional period or in the permanent period. At that time, we will show sufficient evidence. The junta shall pay for the crimes it has committed.

Q: What is the main reason for the civilian deaths caused by the military council’s actions in Karenni State?

A: The main reason is airstrikes. The junta mainly relies on the air force. The junta even uses 500-lb. bombs. In addition, the junta has a precise plan to fire heavy shells as far as the area they can reach. The junta has maps. For instance, the junta has aimed heavy weapons at many places according to the military map. Another point is landmines. Many people were killed and wounded by landmines. There are a lot of villagers who lost their limbs. We are at high risk of landmines.

Q: What kind of preparations have you made to minimize the losses?

A: The revolutionary forces, the government and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) are seeking ways to mitigate the losses. Not only landmines but also unexploded ordnances are scattered on the ground. We are unable to clear them. Although there are a lot of controlled areas on the ground, in practice there are no organizations which work systematically. This is one of the reasons.

Q: What else do you have to add about the military council’s human rights violations and targeted attacks on people?

A: As long as we don’t have a system to defend against aerial threats, we will continue to suffer. In the future, we will face a lot of threats. What I want to say is there are many people fleeing to the forests. They are not in safe places. There are no safe places in our state. However, we would like to urge the public to take shelter in safer places. We don’t want them to return to their villages. The junta can use heavy shells and aircrafts to attack any place they want to. We will continue to suffer if we lack adequate protection measures.

Sent by NMG


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