Joint Chin defense force captures Tonzang and Cikha in northern Chin State

Caption - The entrance of Tonzang.

The joint Chin defense force seized complete control of Tonzang and Cikha towns in northern Chin State on the morning of 19 May, said Salai Htet Ni, Spokesperson of the Chin National Front/Chin National Army (CNF/CNA) said.

“We dropped bombs on the junta’s camp in Cikha with drones. There was nobody left when we raided the camp. Before that, the news that the troops from Cikha had been sent to Tonzang was true. They seem to have retreated beforehand as we dropped bombs with a drone. We captured it without a fight,” said Salai Htet Ni.

The Chin joint force seized control of all bases and camps including Infantry Battalion-269 in downtown Tonzang, Salai Htet Ni said.

“The IB-269 and police station are located in Tonzang. They have taken positions at two places in the town. We have captured both the military hilltop camp and the police station. There is still an exchange of fire as we are conducting area clearance operations. So it can’t be said that Tonzang is a junta-free area. However, we have captured all bases and camps,” said Salai Htet Ni.

The military council and The Zomi Revolutionary Army-Eastern Command (ZRA-EC) are carrying out guerrilla warfare on the joint Chinland defense force in downtown Tonzang.

The military council and the ZRA-EC jointly carried out attacks in downtown Tonzang. Ten members of ZRA and eight junta soldiers were admitted to the people’s hospital in Tonzang, said Salai Htet Ni.

A member from ZRA and two police members were captured alive.

On 19 May, the military council provided air support 10 times, which was the most during the four-day battle.

Since the joint Chin force began to prepare for the attack on Tonzang on 15 May, the military council has been conducting constant airstrikes.

This is the first operation conducted by the Defense Ministry under the Chinland Government. On 16 May, the defense forces launched an offensive against the junta’s camps. A total of 14 Chin defense forces engaged in the offensive.

The fighting has displaced around 5,000 locals in Tunzan Township. The junta’s airstrikes destroyed more than 10 houses.

Sent by KMG.


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