“Most of the victims are at the age between 15 and 60. Even a father and two sons died. There are three pairs of sons and father killed. Among those killed are two men in their 80s. Among the wounded, some were seriously wounded.” A Myinmu local who did not want to be named for security reasons

Caption - The bodies of Lethtoketaw villagers killed in the incident are being carried by a vehicle.

An interview with a local man from Myinmu, who did not want to be named for security reasons, about the mass killing of 32 villagers in Lethtoketaw in Myinmu Township.

At around 5 am on 11 May, the military council’s column raided Lethtoketaw village in Myinmu Township in Sagaing Region. Then, it attacked the village with heavy shells and small arms, massacring 32 civilians.

The National Unity Government (NUG) said the Lethtoketaw incident is a war crime and a crime against humanity committed by the military council.

The Shanni Voice conducted an interview with a local man from Myinmu, who did not want to be named for security reasons, about the massacring of 32 Lethtoketaw villagers.

Q: Can you recount the incident in Lethtoketaw village?

A: In the early morning, they (military council troops) entered the village in three columns. At around midnight, the PDF blew the whistle in order that the villagers could flee. The PDF warned the villagers to flee the village as the military columns came in. As some people stayed indoors, the PDF members had to conduct door-to-door visits to to compel them to evacuate. Some people fled when some others stayed indoors. Some people fled to the monastery as they assumed that they would not be harmed there. The village was surrounded by three columns when they came in. The military column fired heavy shells and shots. When the military column entered the monastery compound and saw a lot of people there, junta soldiers yelled, “We’ve found you here”. The people in the monastery were compelled to exit. Junta soldiers interrogated the villagers about the whereabouts of the PDF members. When the villagers replied that they knew nothing, junta soldiers beat the villagers with gun butts without asking anything and then fatally shot them in the head. Then they kicked the victims and said that this guy was still alive, so they shot the victims again until they died.

Q: How many people were killed in the incident? What is the age range of victims?

A: The artillery shelling killed six villagers. A total of 25 villagers—24 males and one female—were shot dead. One of the wounded died. So, the total death toll reached 32. Nearly 20 people were wounded. Most of the victims are at the age between 15 and 60. Even a father and two sons died. There are three pairs of sons and father killed. Among those killed are two men in their 80s. Among the wounded, some were seriously wounded. As the abdomens of around two or three people were hit by shrapnel, intestines came out. Now, they are receiving medical treatment.

Caption – Lethtoketaw villagers shot dead by the military council.

Q: There are reports that some people who got shot escaped? Is that true?

A: Yes, around two people managed to escape. When other people got shot and fell down, they also simulated falling and playing dead alongside other victims. They didn’t move. They moved only after the military column left the village. They are receiving treatment as they get wounds to their arms.

Q: Do you know the military column which entered Lethtoketaw village?

A: This is the military column which collaborates with Pyu Saw Htee members. The military column includes war veterans. The military column has a strength of around 80-100 members. It includes No.13 Infantry Battalion under No.33 Light Infantry Division, No.909 Battlefield Engineering Battalion and No.929 Support and Communications Battalion and war veterans. It was also mentioned in the statement by the NUG.

Q: What is the latest situation of the village and locals? Is there any battle between that military column and local defense forces?

A: As for the situation in the village, since the incident, the residents have not dared to return to the village. They are hiding in the forests. Now soldiers have left the village. They left the village after the villagers were shot dead. There is no clash with the PDF. All the people are saddened by the deaths of villagers. The people are paying attention to the funeral services of the victims. We need arms and ammunition to attack them. There is a scarcity of water in the village. We have to emphasize access to water as there is a shortage of drinking water.

Sent by Shanni voice.


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