Junta demands compensation as three reinforcement vehicles burned down in Kutoetseik


The military council has demanded compensation for the burning of three vehicles, which were dispatched for reinforcement to Kutoetseik in Koh Doot village-tract, Ye Township of Mon State.

The military council has asked for a compensation of approximately Ks-18 million through the village administrator.

Three vehicles from Infantry Battalion-106 based in Mawtkanin, which were dispatched for reinforcement in Kutoetseik village for reinforcement on 3 May, were burned down by revolutionary forces while they were parked in Kutoetseik village.

A Mawtkanin local said: “We rushed to the scenes as we thought the houses were on fire. However, the vehicles caught fire. The heavy shell landed even when the fire was put out. Luckily, the heavy shell landed on water. These vehicles were burned down the revoltionary forces. I think the military council think they are villagers as they wear civilian clothes.”

Three burnt vehicles are two Honda Fit cars and one Probox car. All vehicles are unlicensed ones, locals said.

In addition to asking for compensation through the village administrator, the military council seized two vehicles owned by Kutoetseik villagers, locals said.

“I heard the junta soldiers took two vehicles from the village. They said they want vehicles. As the incident took place in Kutoetseik village, the villagers will pay compensation. The situation is clam as they have got vehicles from the village,” a local from Kutoetseik village said.

In response to the burning of three vehicles, Infantry Battalion-106 indiscrminately fired heavy and light weapons into and outside the village at 8:30 pm on 3 March, Mawtkanin locals said.

In Kutoetseik fighting, nine military council soldiers were killed and two arrested alive. The joint revolutionary force seized arms and ammunition.

Civilian houses and rubber plantations were burned down by the military council’s airstrikes during the fighting, according to locals.

Sent by IMNA.


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