“We had to flee from Chaunggway village to Parhat village. It has been more than 4 months since I fled Chaunggway village. Due to the renewed fighting in Thayetkone, we have again fled to Inwaing sugar mill from Parhat village. We had to flee twice.” An IDP from Naungcho

Caption - The IDPs from Nawnghkio.

An interview with an IDP from Nawnghkio, about renewed fighting and the difficulties faced by IDPs in Nawnghkio Township.

The resurgence of fighting in Nawnghkio Township in Shan State, has become more intense after the attack on Pyin Oo Lwin, known as the garrison town, during the Thingyan period of 2024.

The battle was fierce as the military council’s logistics column reinforced from Pyin Oo Lwin town was intercepted by the Three Brotherhood Alliance and Mandalay-PDF joint forces at Ohmthee junction in Nawnghkio Township during Operation 1027 launched in northern Shan State on 27 October 2023.

In late January, Mandalay-PDF attacked and captured the military council’s troops stationed in Thanbo and Kyaukmaelay villages on the border between Shan State and Mandalay Region.

Mandalay-PDF seized control of the junta’s camp based in Thayetkone village on the edge of Nawnghkio Township located about eight miles from Pyin Oo Lwin on 15 April.

More than 3,000 locals have been displaced by the renewed fighting between the military council force and Mandalay-PDF in Nawnghkio Township.

Shan News interviewed a displaced person from Nawnghkio Township about the plight of IDPs and the latest situations.

Q: How did the battle occur again in Nawnghkio Township? How intense is it? May I know the latest situation?

A: We remain vigilant. The situation is getting worse. Fighting resumed on 27 March. From 17 to 21 April, the military council carried out frequent airstrikes with jet fighters. On 21 April, the junta’s jet fighters came round the clock. The junta’s jet fighters carried out indiscriminate shootings on around 10 nearby villages. Fighting is taking place near the border between Pyin Oo Lwin and Nawnghkio every day. Fighting continues in the western part of Union Highway in Nawnghkio. It is the fighting between the PDFs and the military council. The Three Brotherhood Alliance and PDFs have taken position in Chaymyitpin on the border between Shan State and Mandalay Region. The military council troops are stationed in Pwekauk and Kyaukmaelay.

During this week, fighting is taking place every day. Many houses in the village were destroyed. The bombings killed some people, even monks and novices. Buffalos and cows were also killed in the fighting. Thousands of locals from Thayetkone and Parhat villages have fled to Bantbway, Chaymyitpin, Wetwan, Inwaing, Konelone and Konethar villages. The villagers were scared and ran away as the military council conducted airstrikes. At around 1 pm on 21 April, the social organizations evacuated them with cars. At around 4 pm, the junta bombarded Parhat village. At around 8 am on the next day, the junta again bombarded the village.

Q: Since Operation 1027, the military council has started bombing in Nawnghkio Township with jet fighters. In an attempt to defend Pyin Oo Lwin known as the garrison town, in the renewed fighting, the military council again carried out aerial bombings in Nawnghkio Township. What is the extent of the death toll and damage to homes?

A: On 21 April, I saw two jet fighters bombing from Hsammahse. Due to the incessant shelling, smokes billowed. The junta’s jet fighters dropped 10 clusters of bombs. Since 20 April, the junta has been carrying out round-the-clock airstrikes. During this week, the junta carried out round-the-clock attacks with machine guns and jet fighters. The junta’s jet fighters dropped around 15 bombs every minute within 24 hours. The military council targets Thayetkine, Kantkaw, Hsammahse and Zarliphyuchaung villages and wants to destroy these villages.

On 20 April 20, more than 70 houses in Nyaungone village, near Thayetkone village, were burned to ashes. A lot of houses were damaged in Thayetkone. At around 10 am on 21 April, the junta’s bombings killed two buffalos and two civilians aged below 30. In Thapyaywun village, a boy in his 20s was killed. The number of casualties may be higher than that. The junta attacked Thayetkone, Kantkaw and Zarliphyuchaung villages first and then Hsammahse and Parhat villages. The bombings hit monasteries in Thayetkone and Zarli villages. Parhat monastery was badly damaged. A layman was hit and wounded by shrapnel. The monastery’s dormitory and a refectory were badly damaged. On 20 April, Thayetkone monastery caught fire, and a monk was killed.

Now, all villagers have fled to the east of Union Road. The IDPs fled to their relatives and monasteries in Wetkan, Bantbway, Inwaing sugar mill, Konelone, Konethar, Kyawnghkam and Narhkawt villages.

Q: During the resurgence of fighting in Nawnghkio Township, from which villages have fled the war? How many people has fled the war?

A: According to the list, among over 10 villages, the people from Narpyan, Parhat and Thanbo villages have fled since the intense fighting in March. The number of the IDPs hits thousands as a village has at least 500 villagers. The workers from the lower Myanmar who arrived for sugarcane harvest season, fleds along with their houseowners.  Since Operation 1027, the military council has been stationed at the Ohnmathee junction which connects Pyin Oo Lwin-Mogoke road. The military council is firing heavy shells ats Hsammahse village every day. It has been more than six months since then.

There are more than 600 households in Hsammahse village. All the villagers have fled. They are unable to return home. Locals from Kantkaw, Thayetkone, Zarliphyuchaung, Pankhan, Narpyan, Nyaungkone, Parhat and Sisone villages have fled after the revolutionary forces attacked Min Aung Hlaing in Pyin Oo Lwin. Now there are more than 400 IDPs in Bantbway monastery, more than 400 in the houses of relatives in the village, more than 450 in Inwaing monastery, more than 250 in the makeshift tents and more than 200 in Konelone monastery. There are many IDPs taking shelter in other villages. The total number of IDPs has reached 3,000.

Q: What difficulties do the IDPs face as they have to suddenly flee in the midst of this battle?

A: We face food difficulties as all the people in the village have fled. We face a lot of troubles. Suddenly, we had to leave the village. Some people had to flee with just the clothes on their backs. We don’t need many blankets and bedsheets as it is summer. But, due to a larger number of people, we face food difficulties. We were unable to bring food and clothes along with us as we had to flee amid the ongoing fighting. We immediately fled the village when the social organizations evacuated us by car. I heard the sound of gunshots. The junta fired shots by jet fighters. We had fled out of fear. The social organizations evacuated the IDPs by cars batch by batch. The people from Konekan, Thayetkone, Parhat, Zarli and Pankhan villages were forced to flee. Some people have fled to their relatives and monasteries. Some IDPs are taking shelter by building huts. Most of the villagers fled to Innwaing, Bantbway and Chaymyitpin. Around 20-30 people are taking refuge in the relative houses in Thaetik village. Now I have to borrow money from others to buy food. There are no aid organizations.

Q: Sugarcane is mainly grown in Nawnghkio. Since the beginning of the sugarcane harvest season, fighting has been taking place, so what kind of difficulties are you facing?

A: We had to flee from Chaunggway village to Parhat village. It has been more than 4 months since I fled Chaunggway village. Due to the renewed fighting in Thayetkone, we have again fled to Inwaing sugar mill from Parhat village. We had to flee twice. Farmers are unable to harvest their crops and sugarcane. More than 3 acres of sugarcane were burned down. We don’t know the extent of damage as we are unable to go home. My relatives who fled the village said that our sugarcane plants were burned down. The military has looted our belongings in the houses.  We have no money left for food after the burning of sugarcane plantations. I was unable to send my children to the schools. We are hopeless as our sugarcane plantations have been burned down. As we borrowed agricultural expenses from the sugar mill for sugarcane plantation. I get into debt as I am unable to supply sugarcane. When I started to plant one acre of sugarcane, I had to invest at least Ks 2,000,000. I bought fertilizers from the factory and borrowed money for agricultural expenses. My concern is the sugar mill collects debts. But for now, the factory has not said anything about it.

Now they pay 132,000 kyats per ton of sugarcane. One acre of sugarcane yields more than 30 tons. After the sugarcane fields were burned down, I didn’t get any money, and I went into debt.

Now my concern is the sugarcane season has limits. I can’t repay agricultural expenses because I can’t export sugarcane. Nodes will emerge if sugarcane plants are not harvested. If the factory is closed, they have to cut sugarcane plants. They harvest sugarcane plants by risking their lives samid the fighting. I am concerned about landmines. Now one-third of sugarcane plants have been harvested. We have to pay debts for agricultural expenses.

Sent by Shan News


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