“Locals are afraid. Since that night, they have not slept well. The people are afraid that the military shall carry out attacks at night. The military group wanted this, so they deliberately targeted the people.” A local from Khampat

Caption - The houses destroyed by the junta’s airstrikes in Khampat and Kalay on 22 April.

An interview with a local resident of Khampat about the junta’s airstrike in Khampat where the public administration is in operation, casualties and the current situation.

Five civilians were killed and 12 others wounded in the junta’s aerial strike on Khamatpat and Kalay in Sagaing Region, in the early morning of 22 April.

On 5 November 2023, the revolutionary forces seized control of Khampat town where the public administration has started now.

Shanni Voice interviewed Ko Kyaw Aung (pseudonym), a local from Khampat, about the junta’s airstrike and civilian casualties.

Q: May I know about the junta’s airstrike on Khampat?

A: The military council bombed Khampat and Sawbawarrayshin village in Kalay Township at around 2 am in the morning, with jet fighters. The junta dropped 500-lb bombs.

The bombings shook houses.  The kids are so scared. The junta soldiers come at unexpected times when they are sleeping. The military council bombed No.1 ward and No.4 ward. An 18-year-old girl and a 26-year-old boy died on the spot. The boy’s head was cut off. He is also the son of a religious teacher.

The girl was also in pieces. The bombing killed three civilians from Sawbwaryayshin. The total number of those injured is around 12—five from Khampat and seven from Sawbwaryayshin. Some of them are in critical condition. Among the injured is a child.

Q: Were there still battles at the time of the bombing?

A: No. Without any battle, the military dropped bombs when the people were sleeping. The military council bombed Khampat as it is under the control of revolutionary forces. The military council dropped bombs on Khampat and Sawbwarshin.

Q: What is the situation of the locals after the bombing?

A: The locals are afraid. Since that night, they have not slept well. The people are afraid that the military will carry out attacks at night. The military group wanted this, so they deliberately targeted the people. The military council’s airstrikes aim to make the public unable to sleep well and them afraid forever. In January last year, the junta’s attacks on the church on Sunday killed 17 civilians including children.

Caption – The houses destroyed by the junta’s airstrikes in Khampat and Kalay on 22 April.

Q: What is the current situation of the revolutionary forces in Khampat?

A: Now, the public administration system is operating normally. Locals have returned to the town. However, now that the military has dropped the bomb again, I don’t know what the situation will be like. All of them were very scared. I think the military council will keep attacking as it has lost the town.

Q: What else would you like to add?

A: What I want to say is that after controlling such towns, security measures should be taken. The public want care as they are unable to flee all the time and want to return home. We would like to call on both defense forces and the National Unity Government (NUG) to take care of the public and to eradicate the junta which is attacking the public on purpose, as quickly as possible.

sent by Shanni Voice.


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