Thousands of IDPs including pregnant women, young children in Hswar in need of food

Caption – IDPs in Yedashe (Old photo/Photo-CJ)

Thousands of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), including pregnant women and 60 children under the age of five, who have fled armed clashes in the areas east of Hswar town in Yedashe Township, Bago Region, are in need of food aid, according to people helping the IDPs.

Last week, thousands of residents from eight villages east of Hswar were forced to flee their homes due to fierce clashes and airstrikes in the area. Some villages remain occupied by junta troops, preventing residents from returning home.

On 22 April, more people were displaced as junta troops advanced towards villages including Kyun Kone, Padauk Kone, Inn Gyi Pauk and Yay Ngan, further increasing the number of IDPs, aid workers said.

These IDPs include the elderly, the disabled, seven pregnant women and 60 children under the age of five, according to records. They have been displaced for over a week now and are in urgent need of food aid, a female IDP aid worker said.

“There are a lot of IDPs but no aid yet. It’s been about a week now. As the displacement continues, the villagers who are hosting them can no longer support them. Apart from the list of IDPs we have collected from nine villages, more people are still arriving. As for the pregnant women, we’re trying to send them to Taungoo,” she said.

In the face of the ongoing offensives, the IDPs have sought shelter in relatively safe villages. Some who fled last week returned after troops withdrew from their areas, according to sources.

“The other day when the troops were stationed in Khin Tan and Koe Tan villages, some IDPs returned home after the junta soldiers left. But now that they are advancing towards Padauk Kone and Ywar Ngan, these people had to flee again. So the number of IDPs won’t decrease, among them are many children,” said a male IDP aid worker.

The junta troops have arrested locals who returned to their homes and shot those who were caught in the fighting. As a result, most IDPs have had to make do with what they have and have not received any assistance, according to locals.

At least six civilians were wounded by artillery shelling and airstrikes by the military junta during the fighting in the areas east of Hswar. Four people were killed and at least five others injured by the junta troops using small arms.

Sent by KIC.


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