At least 12 civilians arrested at Tadagyi checkpoint on Ye-Dawei road

Caption - Tadagyi checkpoint on Ye-Dawei road.

From 1 to 22 April, at least 12 civilians were arrested by the military council at a checkpoint on Ye-Dawei road in Ye Township of Mon State, according to local residents.

The military council arrested and detained the travelers who passed through Tadagyi checkpoint without walking their bikes.

A person close to the military council said: “The soldiers detained them in a dark cell at the checkpoint. Those close to the military can get freed.”

He added that during the first week of April, the military council force arrested six men who did not walk their motorbikes while driving past the bridge checkpoint and sent them to military training schools to serve in the military.

On 11 April, a 30-year-old local man and his wife were arrested by the military council while riding a motorbike in front of the bridge checkpoint, and were released with the help of a local monk.

“Soliders ask me you don’t see the people walking their motorbikes. They seized my mobile phone and belongings and then sent me to a dark cell. I saw nothing. My wife was not arrested. My wife made a call to ask for help. Then, I was freed,” the man who was freed said.

He went on to say that at the time of his release, six other men remained in detention.

The men detained at the checkpoint are from the downtown and Ayarutaung, Asinsanpya, Zeephytaung and Falam villages.

Sent by IMNA.


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