Junta plans to send displaced residents back to war-torn Hsihseng

Caption – Downtown Hsihseng

The military council is planning to return displaced civilians to Hsihseng town in Shan State, which remains an active armed conflict zone, according to local sources.

The military council has instructed residents displaced by armed clashes through local administrators and township administrative officials to their homes from 24 April, said a member of the Hsihseng township administration.

“They say they will first provide each household with rice, oil, salt and kitchen utensils. For damaged houses, they will provide cash for materials like iron sheets, iron rods and posts. I’ve also heard this from local groups haven’t allowed the displaced residents to return home. The higher-ups are ordering people to return without being aware of the actual situation on the ground. This could lead to problems,” he said.

Details of the rebuilding plan will be discussed at a meeting on 23 April. He added that those wishing to return will need to submit household registration documents and a recommendation letter from their ward authorities.

However, even the local ward and village administrators themselves have not been able to return home so far due to the ongoing clashes in Hsihseng.

The displaced civilians have been instructed not to venture into or disturb areas affected by artillery shelling upon return. They have been told to strictly follow guidance from local authorities, and to form a committee to educate children about unexploded ordnance.

Daw Swe (pseudonym), a displaced person, expressed her concerns about returning given the presence of unexploded remnants and lack of livelihood opportunities in war-torn Hsihseng.

“They’re just saying we can go back, but we really dare not return anytime soon. If we go back there, we’ll still struggle for food and essentials. There are no jobs or anything. So for now, returning is not possible, even though we want to go back home,” said Daw Swe.

On 19 February, seven displaced civilians were killed by artillery shelling as they tried to return to Hsihseng, in the northern part of War Taw village east of Mwaytaw Pagoda.

Also, on 10 April, a displaced couple returning to Nawng Thein village in Hsihseng Township came under fire from a Pa-O National Organization (PNO) column, leaving the wife dead.

Moreover, on 14 April, a junta soldier from Light Infantry Battalion 423 named Nyi Nyi Naing, reportedly attempted to sexually assault at gunpoint a displaced woman hiding in the woods during the fighting in Hsihseng .

Resistance forces say, since the partial recapture of Hsihseng on 25 March, the junta has been spreading false news that civilians can return, as part of its efforts to restore administrative functions in the area.

Sent by Shan News.


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