Allied resistance forces launch attack on Ye-based Battalion 299

Photo - MSRF

Allied resistance forces attacked Infantry Battalion 299 based in Koemaing village in Ye Township, Mon State in the early hours of 12 April, leading to fierce fighting between the two sides, according to local reports.

During the fierce fighting, the military council’s side responded with incessant bombings, locals reported.

The junta’s airstrikes during the fighting caused fires in some nearby villages, including Koemaing, forcing residents to flee to safety.

The fighting at the LB 299 continued until 3pm on 12 April, with the military relentlessly employing airstrikes to prevent the battalion from losing to the resistance forces, according to resistance forces.

As a result, hundreds of passenger vehicles along the Ye-Dawei road have been stranded and most turned back due to the fighting, according to travelers.

Meanwhile, reports have also emerged that the combined resistance forces also captured the Ma Hlwe Taung checkpoint on the border between Mon State and Tanintharyi Region on 12 April. These reports could not be independently verified.

So far, neither the military regime nor the allied resistance forces have issued statements about the current clashes.

The Ye-based LB 299 is the battalion whose troops were sent to the frontline in Minbya Township, Arakan State. According to reports, many soldiers, including battalion commander Lieutenant Colonel Nay Lin Tun, were taken as prisoners of war by the Arakan Army (AA).

Sent by Than Lwin Times.


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