Mon political and revolutionary groups agree to fight together until Mon State can be established

Photo - Voice TV

Mon political and Mon armed revolutionary forces born out of the Spring Revolution to fight until the downfall of the military dictator and the establishment of Mon State reached an agreement to cooperate, relevant groups announced on 7 April.

With the aim of paying attention to the aspirations of Mon people and working for the unity of Mon political and Mon revolutionary forces, the Mon State Federal Council (MSFC), Mon State Revolutionary Force (MSRF) and the Mon State Defense Force (MSDF) held a tripartite discussion.

Through tripartite discussions, some officials of the political and military steering committee of the MSDF said they will join the Mon State Federal Council (MSFC) and jointly take on political duties.

Nai Mon Sai, Spokesperson of the MSFC said: “We must fight against the current military dictatorship in Mon State in order to establish a state for the liberation of the Mon State and when we form the federal democratic union. Individual groups alone are unable do it. As the MSFC believes that we will achieve success through the collective strength of all the organizations, we plan to make military and political cooperation.”

The fact that the MSFC will provide support for the long-term sustainability of the MSDF as part of the cooperation, was agreed at the tripartite discussion.

On the other hand, the MSRF and the MSDF agreed to fight together as allied forces until the end of the military dictatorship and dictatorships and the establishment of a sovereign Mon State.

Dr. Thiri Mon Chan, Spokesperson of MSDF said: “As the first step to carry out military activities and capture the camps and towns, the Mon revolutionary armed forces need to be united. It is of great importance to capture camps and towns in Mon State in collaboration with revolutionary organizations and allied organizations that emerged in the Spring Revolution through the collective strength of Mon revolutionary forces.”

To fight together as an alliance, the Mon revolutionary forces— the MSRF and the MSDF— will work together in basic military training and military equipment production.

In addition, they agreed to exchange military information and military experience and to fight together as an alliance in the event of conflicts.

A Mon woman said: “The public are tired of dictatorship. They want to succeed quickly. It is better if the dictator can be eradicated quickly. Cooperation is also warmly welcomed. What’s more, we will reach the desired goal if we make cooperation with the remaining organizations and fight against the junta after drafting a good plan. I am happy as a citizen.”

The Mon armed revolutionary groups which are active in Mon State, include the Mon State Defense Force (MSDF), Mon State Revolutionary Force (MSRF), Mon State Revolutionary Organization (MSRO), Mon Liberation Army (MLA) and the New Mon State Party (Anti-Dictatorship) (NMSP-AD).

Of them, the MNA has formed an alliance with the NMSP-AD and the MSRO while the MSRF has made an alliance with the MSRO.

Mon State Interim Cooperation Committee (MSICC), which was established as a Mon political organization during the revolution after the military coup, was transformed into the Mon State Federal Council in early 2023.

Mon State Defense Force (MSDF) and Mon State Revolutionary Force (MSRF) are armed resistance forces formed since the coup to overthrow the military dictatorship and build a federal democratic union.

Sent by Than Lwin Times


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