KIA launches simultaneous attacks on three junta bases

Caption – An aerial view of Numlang and Nawng Kawn bases where fighting is ongoing

Locals report fierce fighting between military council troops and the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) after the KIA simultaneously attacked three army positions, including the missile unit and artillery battalion, near Dawthponeyan town on Myitkyina-Bhamo road in Kachin State.

The ethnic army attacked the three major bases – Battalion 438 and the missile unit of the Light Infantry Battalion 616 based in Numlang village, and the artillery battalion based in Nawng Kawn village at around 7am on 21 March, leading to fierce fighting between the two sides, according to residents of Numlang.

“The fighting in Numlang has been ongoing until now, 11am. Both sides are exchanging heavy and light weapons fire. In Nawng Kawn, they just fired from planes twice. Shots were fired from a reconnaissance aircraft. The junta force stationed in Kone Law have also been continuing artillery shelling,” said a resident of Numlang.

Residents of Numlang and Nawng Kawn villages, where intense fighting was ongoing, said the junta has been fiercely bombarding since around 9am on 21 March in an attempt to prevent their bases being lost to the KIA.

As of around 1pm on 21 March, the KIA had reportedly not been able to seize the three bases yet, with both sides engaging in intense fighting. Detailed information about the situation was difficult to obtain.

Located about five miles west of Numlang village, the Nawng Kawn artillery battalion provides security for military camps in Dawthponeyan and surrounding areas.

In addition, the Numlang base is also a major military position on Myitkyina-Bhamo road and houses an artillery battalion, and is of strategic importance, according to frontline sources.

These bases are located in the upper part of Darhseng base, which was seized by the KIA on 14 March. Frontline sources added that there remain over five junta positions between Dawthponeyan and Darhseng.

The KIA has been continuously battling to retake the remaining military positions in Numlang, Kone Law, Myo Thit, Sihat, and Nawng Kawn after capturing Dawthponeyan and Darhseng, according to the frontline reports.

During the clashes that erupted along Myitkyina-Bhamo road on 7 March, the KIA has seized more than ten major long-standing junta bases and more than 30 outposts near Laiza, including Dawthponeyan, said Colonel Naw Bu, the KIA’s information officer.

The KIA has been waging battles against the military council troops across Kachin State and along Myitkyina-Bhamo road, near Laiza and other areas such as Hpakant, Sumprabum, and Waingmaw, capturing junta bases and outposts. The fighting has been going on for almost 20 days, according to reports.

Sent by KNG.


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