Junta lures Ayeyarwady villagers into military service with 300k offer

Photo – SAC

Administrators of some villages in Ta Loke Htaw town in Hinthada Township Ayeyarwady Region are luring residents into military service with a monthly salary of 300,000 kyat, according to local sources.

In the second week of March, village administrators in village tracts of Ta Loke Htaw town forced residents to draw lots for one person per village to be recruited for military service. They told those chosen that the military regime would provide a monthly allowance of 300,000 kyat to those who enlist, locals said.

A villager who did not want to be named said, “They said that those who enlist for military service will receive 300,000 kyat. But they have not yet taken the people who were selected by lot. They promised 300,000 kyat, but people don’t believe their words. Their offer is just an enticement that has not even been published in the newspapers. No one wants to send their sons and daughters for military service”

During the meeting where the draw was held, some village administrators also told those present that the families of those who join military service will have to be supported financially by the other households in the villages which do not join, according to Ta Loke Htaw residents.

Similar cases of selecting young people by lots are also taking place in some villages in Kyonpyaw Township in Ayeyarwady Region. This has caused parents and guardians to worry about their children and family members, locals report.

A resident from Hle Seik village tract said, “People are very worried. The young people don’t go out much anymore. Just yesterday they came to pick up someone who had been selected from Chaung Zauk village by lot, but the person refused to go. I don’t know what their administrator will do.”

Following the enforcement of the People’s Military Service Law on 10 February, the military council formed its recruitment body and began recruitment across the country. This has caused panic among young people and prompted them to evade conscription in various ways.

Not only in townships in Yangon Region, but also in Mandalay Region, the military council has called those eligible for conscription to the respective ward administrations to register their names and select them by lot for military service, according to local sources.

Sent by KIC.


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