PNO/PNA steps up extortion in Ponginn

Caption- PNO met with locals in Ponginn on 24 February.

Pa-O National Organization/Pa-O National Army (PNO/PNA), which is fighting in cooperation with the military council in Hsihseng and Hopong Townships, has stepped up extortion from locals in Ponginn region, according to local residents.

Locals have to pay Ks 100,000 per a private car, Ks 400,000 per a sand/gravel truck, Ks 600,000 per a tractor, Ks 700,000 per a harvester and Ks 1,000,000 per a rice mill, a local from Ponginn said.

“The PNO/PNA told village heads and the persons who have vehicles that it would collect vehicle taxes and other taxes. We will give the lists on 5 March. The people who fail to pay their taxes will be fined. The people are forced to pay taxes by threatening to increase taxes from Ks-100,000 to Ks-200,000,” the local said.

On 9 March, the PNO called a meeting at the house of U Lone Zwe, Hsainglae village-tract administrator, saying that locals from 35 villages in Hsainglae village-tract in Hsihseng Township must pay their taxes without fail.

Due to the current political and economic situation, local residents are having financial difficulties to pay taxes. Some residents have to struggle to earn a living, local residents said.

According to local residents, the PNO militia is asking for money citing various reasons even though the locals are facing a lot of difficulties.

“Last week, they collected money under the pretext of the security of the community and people. Then, they collected Ks-50,000 per household. We had to pay Ks-4,000 for Kakku pagoda festival (Tabaung festival). In early March, they collected money for IDPs. During this month, they collected money four times. Now we have no money to pay,” a local man said.

Young people who do not want to join the army have fled to Thailand as the PNO/PNA has been carrying out forced recruitments and collection of taxes in its controlled area since the coup.

In cooperation with the military council, the PNO/PNA has been carrying out forced recruitments and equipping each person in Hsihseng, Hopong and Pinlaung Townships in its controlled territory, since 27 January.

Sent by Shan News


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