Junta enforcements attacked during Tar Ma Hkan battle, over 30 junta soldiers killed

Caption – A view of Tar Ma Hkan village

Joint forces of the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and People’s Defense Forces (PDFs) surrounded and attacked the reinforcement troops of the Myanmar Army and Shanni Nationalities Army (SNA) during the Tar Ma Hkan battle in Hpakant Township, Kachin State, killing more than 30 junta soldiers, according to KIA frontline sources.

On 3 March, combined junta troops from Light Infantry Battalions 42, 12, and 76 coming from Hpakant raided Tar Ma Hkan village and set fire to civilian houses, the KIA frontline sources said.

Subsequently, as the junta troops occupied the Tar Ma Hkan monastery and civilian homes, they were surrounded and attacked by the joint KIA-PDF forces on the morning of 4 March. By around 6pm, they had cleared out all the junta and SNA troops , a KIA frontline source confirmed.

“Today our forces have taken control of the entire village. We have cleared out all the junta troops. Now that we have wiped out all the reinforcement troops arrived in the village, there are none of them left. For security reasons, that’s all I can say,” the source said.

Of the over 40-strong reinforcement column that came from the Hpakant side, only over 10 managed to escape while the rest, over 30, were wiped out by the joint KIA-PDF forces, the source added.

Social groups and community elders are still recovering and disposing of the bodies of the slain junta and SNA soldiers, according to the source.

“The community elders have removed all the bodies from the school and monastery. About one-third of the village was burned down. The village is now under the control of the KIA and PDF soldiers,” the source said.

In addition, the joint resistance forces continue to besiege the junta position in Tar Ma Hkan village, with intense fighting ongoing.

Commenting on the resistance attack on the military council’s reinforcement column heading to Tar Ma Hkan village a Kachin People’s Defense Force (KPDF) official said:
“There were many deaths. No one them was left alive. There were piles of bodies,” the KPDF official said.

The joint KIA-PDF forces launched an offensive to capture the military council’s camp in Tar Ma Hkan village on 26 February. As they have not succeeded in capturing the camp so far, the battle to take the camp continues, he added.

On the other hand, the junta is providing incessant air and artillery support to defend the Tar Ma Hkan camp at all costs, according to KIA frontline sources.

Due to the heavy fighting in Tar Ma Hkan village, more than 5,000 locals in the area have fled to some villages in Hawng Par village tract and downtown areas of Hpakant, according to displaced persons.

Sent by KNG.


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