Military service law sparks concerns among young Chin women


Following the activation of the national conscription law by the Myanmar’s military council, which allows all adult citizens to be called up for military service, there is a growing concern among young women in Chin State that new soldiers may be forcibly recruited in urban areas of Chin State, where martial law has been declared, according to reports.

A local woman from Mindat said: “I am afraid to go back to the town. Some of my relatives are still in the town. I am afraid that they will be arrested and conscripted. As for me, I am not worried because I live in the area controlled by the Chinland Defense Force (CDF). I’m fine as long as I don’t have to return to the town.”

The military junta’s national conscription law, which came into effect on 10 February, officially allows the military to call up new recruits nationwide, including in Chin state.

Under this law, men aged 18 to 35 and women aged 18 to 27 must serve in the military.

A young woman from Chin said, “There are a lot of concerns. Both boys and girls are required to serve in the army. So we have to be careful about how prepared they are. We have to wait and see whether we should live as displaced people in the liberated areas or flee to safety for a while and then come back and work depending on the situation. Those who can afford it can go abroad. But I think only a small number of people have that opportunity. So the situation for ordinary people is not exactly rosy.”

In response, the National Unity Government (NUG) declared on 13 February that the military junta and all individuals and organizations at all levels who help forcibly enforce the national conscription law will be designated as public enemies who commit military crimes and will be severely prosecuted.

In the statement, the NUG said it would work with allied groups to carry out the necessary protection and relief measures to alleviate the harm caused to the public by the unlawful enforcement of the law.

Sent by KMG.


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