Fighting intensifies between Chin revolutionary forces in Chin’s Maraland


Fighting has been intensifying for three days between the seven-member combined force including Chin National Army (CNA) and Chinland Defense Force (CDF)- Mara and Maraland Defense Force/Maraland Territorial Council (MDF/MTC), in Maraland of Chin State.

Since 31 January, the joint Chin force composed of CNA, CDF- Mara, CDF- Paletwa, CDF- Thanglang, CDF – Zophei, CDF- Lautu and CDF – Senthang, has been attacking the MDF’s camp for three days, the General Secretary of Maraland Territorial Council said.

“Today, CNA, CDF-Mara and their allies are attacking not only with drones but with weapons. They are attacking now. Under the leadership of the CNA, CDF-Mara and its allies are attacking the camp, with the attitude that the MDF shall be crushed, and that Maraland shall not be seen in Chin State, with weapons and drones supplied by the National Unity Government (NUG),” he said.

The clash began on 31 January. On 1 February, the joint Chin force attacked the camps with the use of drone bombs. On 2 February, the joint force carried out more than 30 drone attacks, an official of Maraland Territorial Council said.

There were no reports of casualties from the MDF. Two members of the joint Chin force were killed and three wounded in the fighting. However, it is difficult to confirm the news, Maraland Territorial Council’s official continued.

An official of CDF-Mara said: “Everyone knows fighting is intense. I have not received any information about the wounded. Currently, the MDF has detained five members of CDF-Mara. Two members of CDF-Mara and two members of CNA were killed in the MDF’s attack. Among them, one CDF–Mara member and one CNA member were killed in an attack on CDF-Mara on 24 January.”

CDF-Mara’s statement also said that when the CNA member’s body was recovered, his head was found cracked. The injuries other than the ones caused by heavy and small arms were found on his body.

The intense fighting occurred about a week after CDF-Mara and its allies announced on 24 January that they would take effective military and administrative actions against the MDF.

“They shot and killed a CNA soldier. It is natural that the CNA joins it due to the severe treatment of the dead body,” said the CDF-Mara official said.

Currently, Maraland Territorial Council has announced that it will avoid strong military responses as much as possible and is on the defensive in order to avoid harm to the public and avoid unwanted conflicts between the Chin brothers.

We want to inform the relevant groups to immediately stop the military attacks by using excessive forces to crush the MDF. If they fail to abide by it, there will be other problems, the General Secretary of the Maraland Territorial Council said.

“We will ask for help from our allies if necessary. Now it has been three days since the attack. If necessary, we will ask for help from our allies to carry out attack,” he said.

The MDF has formed an alliance with the Arakan Army (AA) and Mindat-CDF for the revolution against the military dictatorship. In recent days, it has also joined Chin Brotherhood Alliance to make military and political cooperation.

Sent by KMG


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